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8B Project 1教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标:运用Units1-3单元的知识辅助完成文件夹的制作。 能力目标:1)学会文件夹制作的基本方法和程序。 2)学会如何围绕主题--different countries收集相关信息,并进行分类整理。 3)掌握文件夹的简单装饰方法 。 情感目标:在小组活动的过程中体验合作学习,培养责任感。 教学重点:围绕主题搜集相关信息并对信息进行分类整合 。 海报的制作方法和基本程序。 教学难点:相关信息的搜集和整理。 材料:文件夹、彩纸、双面胶、水彩笔、彩带、图片、剪刀等。 教学过程: Part One: Lead in 1.Look at some pictures and go over some places of interest in the world and the names of these countries. Look and answer:What’s this ? Where is it from? Look at the map of the world and go over :Asia,Europe,Africa,America and so on. Answer:Which country do you want to visit? Why? Part two: Planning Group discussion Making a group of four and discuss ing with your group members. Which country are you interested in? Which country do you want to visit? What do you want to know about the country? Think of a set of questions about the country you have chosen. (use the questions on P62 to give you some ideas.) How can you answer the questions ? Where can you find the information ? (Internet,library,bookshops,……) Part three: Organizing ideas The country:1.name,capital,climate 2.people and language 3.places of interest 4.festivals and food Part four:Drafting checking Order1; Talking about which country your group are going to make the folder of Order2: Each group member chooses one of the following topics and think of the questions about the topic Order 3:Trying to write a short paragraph of each topic. Order 4:Share your paragraph with your group members and asking them to check your work. Part 5: Designing Design an attractive cover with your group members. Arrange your information into four parts .Put each part one age of paper. Put your writing and pictures in the folder. Part6: sharing your folder with your friends


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