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THANK YOU! 后面内容直接删除就行 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料可以编辑修改使用 资料仅供参考,实际情况实际分析 * * The top ten strange buildings in the world Wilson Building ----- Eight type experiment Building Wilson Building It was built from 1971 to 1974, the center of it was a trapezoid, and the two part of the building looks like the Chinese word “八”. It is not only strange for its unusual shape, but also for that many strange researches have been done here. It provides enough labs for 1500 scientists to work here. 威尔逊大厦:建于1971年至1974年,中间呈梯形,两边楼体远看好像汉字“八”   这栋楼里有许多实验室,经常进行各种稀奇古怪的实验,可满足约1500名科学家的工作需求。 Ripley Building ----- museum split into two parts It is located in Orlando, America, and was built in 1998 for commemorating the big earthquake that happened in 1812. 裂开两半的博物馆 ?   里普利大楼:位于美国奥兰多市,建于1998年,在美国颇有名气。   这栋建筑故意建造成楼身遭遇地震后发生断裂的样子,目的是为纪念发生在1812年的一次大地震。 Ripley Building ----- museum split into two parts 135 degrees building ----- roof leans on the ground The building doesn’t own a formal name. Its pink roof confused the tourists in sight. 135度角楼: 这栋房子没有正式的名字,其墙体成135度角,屋顶平台呈玫瑰色,具有令游客感到迷惑的视觉效果。 135 degrees building ----- museum split into two parts DANCING building The dancing building is located in Prague, Czech. It was designed by V.Milunic and F.Gerry. And it was controversial 会跳舞的房子   跳舞房子:捷克首都布拉格最受争议的建筑之一。   它建于1992年至1995年,由V·米卢尼奇和F·格里两位建筑师设计,扭曲的造型使得这栋房子看起来像在跳舞。 ? DANCING building ROBOT building It was built in Bangkok, Thailand in 1985. Its robot looking-like shape is the symbol of the modern society. 机器人大楼 :?   机器人大楼:即位于泰国首都曼谷的亚洲银行大楼,建于1985年。它酷似机器人的外观被认为是现代社会中银行的象征。 DANCING building Drunkenness house It is a shopping center located in Sopot, Poland. It was built in 2004 with a Fold distorted shape 醉态可掬的扭曲房子 ?   弯曲房子:位于波兰索波特市,是家生意兴隆的购物中心的附属建筑,已成为当地著名旅游景点。它建于2004年,楼身呈扭曲的褶皱形。 Drunkenness house Movable floor brewery It looked like a bottle inverted. Its floors could be lifted up and down. Unfortunately


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