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The Gravity fed spraygun, only differs from the suction fed, by having the paint container on top of the gun. Because the paint is fed by gravity rather than suction, the fluid flow is usually slightly greater The number and size of holes in the air cap contribute to how the paint is atomised. Since air is not wasted on the paint, more paint reaches the fluid tip and therefore a wetter application is achieved. As a result gravity sprayguns tend to have smaller fluid tips than their suction equivalents, when used with topcoats. Common gravity fed sprayguns are :- Devilbiss GFG Sata Jet The transfer efficiency can be dramatically increased by using a good HVLP spraygun. Paint savings of 25% plus are not uncommon. Restrictions in the airlines, such as small diameter couplings can decrease the efficiency of these types of guns. HVLP sprayguns have larger diameter fluid passages within the gun, and also larger diameter air passages. The air passages are especially important in getting a larger volume of air through the gun. A typical HVLP spraygun operates with 0.8 bar at the air cap ( as opposed to 4 bar with a conventional gun ). Because of this lower air pressure, the atomised paint moves slower towards the target and less “Bounce back” of paint occurs. If an HVLP spraygun is correctly set up, and utilised in the correct manner, then the application speed is similar to a conventional spraygun, but less paint is used. These are pigments obtained industrially by synthesis which give priority to the intensity and purity of colour aspect over the insulating power. Organic pigments are essential to achieve pure, ecological colours. In primers, the pigments are substituted by extenders present in minimal quantities which have, in this case, the job of fillers or improvers with certain characteristics, such as rust protection capacity, via the zinc or strontium chromate type, and sandability. Lately, for ecological reasons, large companies are tending to substitute t


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