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硕士论文 关于内蒙古旅游本科教育的调查研究
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region’S tourism gradually develops later in the reform and opening up.With the further development of tourism and the international trend enhanced,the tourism educmion gradually demonstrates its hysteresis quality.Only then changing the present situation that the traveling education fall behind the tourism development,Can provide the intellectual suppoIrt for the tourism development and making the contribution for the higher education refornl.
Along诚t11 the Inner Mongolian tourism’S develop,the tourist enterprises for the traveling talented person’S demand growing unceasingly.At present the Inner Mongolian traveling talented person’S supply and demand present situation is:On the one hand,the majority tourist business talented person demand is growing,actually
does not advertise for the talented person who the enterprise needs;On the other hand,硒the traveling talented person most important raise department,the establishment traveling specialized institutions of higher learning trained traveling specialized graduate,especially undergraduate course graduate actually chosen other professions when they graduate.The above has created the Inner Mongolian
traveling talented person supply and demand dislocation.As the traveling talented
person most main supplies side,the establishment traveling specialized institutions of higher learning are playing an important role in the talented person supply and demand link.The author has carried in—the—spot investigation to traveling talented
person supply and demand botll sides,from analyzes the Inner Mongolian traveling talented person supply and demand dislocation to obtain,analysis the situation and the exist problem of the Inner Mongolian traveling undergraduate education.
Revealed the existence of these problems due to the specialized establishment to be
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