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j匕京工业大学硕士掌位论文RESEARCH j匕京工业大学硕士掌位论文 RESEARCH ON A DOUBLE PRoBE CoMPUTER AIDED TESTING SYSTEM FOR INTERNAL THREAD OF JOINT ABSTRACT The main target of tlle research is to design aIld maIluf如turc a CAr(Computer Aided T色st)system of joint irltemal thread,m order to iⅡlpmVe the me船uring acctlracy and quality of t11e joint int锄al thread of BAO STEEL Inc.1Ks paper analyzes血e success and 1imitation of me fomer desi鹘锄d in怕duces a double probe system.0n the bas锄ent,tlle p印er de印ly researches tlle f0110wing problems: digital si髓a1 proccss,抽tblIletic Inodel,crmr锄alyzing勰d So on. FirSny,considering nle single probe syst锄’s蛐豇|隅也e paper puts fo州ard adoubleprobe systemandmodifi船me岫e仃or. SecondU co璐ideIing the probl锄of ph勰e error of the豳.gle probe systeln, the paper i n_昀duces zero phase filter and desi髓s z盯0 ph硒e丘ltcrs afler aIlalyzeS its prirlciple. Thirdly’me papcr bllilds pa姗eter arithmetic脚del based on me rIliddle line. we get tlle middle line丘Dm柳o interpolationS,aIld西ve nle compute course of the main paI锄et哪.m也is way’we c觚avoid也e phase error龇d t11rcad side e哟r what the sin百e probe system cannot esc印e. Fourmly,mis p印er staIldardizes the 1inear of tlle indllctance scllsor a11d a11alvzes its e仃or.Then we discllss也e an百e enDr of tlle laser s髓sor and the datm Dlane error of the mechallism.Finally血c p印er垂v髂some advice to iIllproVe tlle mechaIlism. Finally,we exp谢ment也e stmctlll七and ma_t11 model wi血 gm印s data· The results prove that me system is successml. .n. 摘 摘 要 The research of the struct、lre,parameter math model and eHor analyzing of the double pmbes system makes a good foundation for the actual use in the field. Su Lisheng(Manufacture and Automation) Directed byⅧlg JiaIl、vu Keywords joint intemal thread,double probes,zero phase filters,middle 1ine -ⅡI. 第l章绪论第1章绪论 第l章绪论 第1章绪论 工业生产特别是机械制造中,螺纹是数量最大,应用最为广泛的一种结构 要素,可用于紧固、连接、密封、传动、传力和精密定位等,因此螺纹连接在 机器制造和仪器制造工业中占有极重要的地位。 1.1管接头的用途及宝钢的生产现状 石油工业中,通常需要钻探很深的油井。随着钻探深度的增加,钻杆的长 度也要相应增加,因此需要将多根钻杆连接在一起。油套管接头的作用就是将 两根钻杆连接起来。钻探一口油井要花费大


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