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2001, 26( 1)
张 浩, 季龙振, 伍 锟, 季 迎, 杨 君
中南大学湘雅三医院肾内科( 长沙 410013)
[ ] 目的: 探讨低分子量肝素( LMWH) 对进行性肾小球硬化的延缓 用及可能机制方法: 通过摘除右肾后
重复注射阿霉素的方法建立进行性肾小球硬化大鼠模型, 给予LMWH 治疗6 周, 观察大鼠蛋白尿血生化及肾脏病理
改变, 计算肾小球硬化指数, 运用免疫组织化学法检测肾小球 型胶原蛋白( Col ) 层粘蛋白血小板源性生长因子
B(PDGFB) 及碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(bFGF) 的表达结果: LMWH 治疗后, 进行性肾小球硬化大鼠的尿蛋白排泄明
显降低, 血清白蛋白升高, 肾功能得以改善, 肾脏病理改变减轻, 肾小球硬化指数下降, Col 和层粘蛋白在肾小球系
膜区的积聚减少, PDGFB 和bFGF 在肾小球的表达受到抑制结论: LMWH 能明显延缓进行性肾小球硬化, 其 用与
抑制肾小球PDGFB 和bFGF 的蛋白表达从而减少肾小球系膜基质的积聚有关
[ ] 肝素, 低分子量; 肾小球硬化; 系膜基质 ; 血小板源性生长因子; 碱性成纤维细胞生长因子
[ ] R6926 [ ] A [ ] 2001) 01000 03
Experimental study of lowmolecular weight heparin on
ameliorating progressive glomerulosclerosis
ZHANG Hao, JI Longzhen, WU Kun, et al
Dep artment of Nep hrology , The Third X iangya H ospi tal , Central South Univers ity ( Changsha 410013)
[ Abstract] Objective: This article was to study the effect and mechanism of lowmolecular weight heparin
(LMWH) on ameliorating progressive glomerulosclerosis. Methods: The progressive glomerulosclerosis models
were established by repeated injection of adriamycin to the rats after the removal of their right kidneys. The thera
peutic group was received the treatment of LMWH for six weeks. The proteinuria, bloodbiochemistric, and renal
pathologic lesion were investigated respectively; the sclerotic index of glomerulus were calculated and the expres
sion of collagen IV( ColIV) , laminin, plateletderived growth factor B(PDGFB) and basic fibroblast growth fac
tor( bFGF) in glomeruluswere determined by immunohistochemistry simultaneously. Results: LMWH not only re
duced the proteinuria, elevated the serum albumin, improved the