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初二英语导学案 编制人: 夏冬梅 审核人: 批准人: 使用日期: PAGE PAGE 5 8A Unit 6 Natural Disasters NO:8A0602 班级 小组 姓名 课题:Reading Paragraphs 1-3 学习目标:读懂文章,了解台湾地震的基本情况。 知识目标:熟记文章中出现的短语和句子。 能力目标: 培养学生根据关键词和语境猜测大意的能力。 情感目标:引导教育学生应学会在自然灾害中自我保护。 重点难点:本课出现的短语和句子。 使用说明: 自主学习: 1.读一读,阅读P94 的1-3段,了解大意; 2.想一想 1).Where was the earthquake? 2).What was Timmy doing? 3).What could Timmy hear and feel? 3.做一做 Timmy was doing some s______ when the earthquake h_______. First, he felt a slight s_____ through his body. Then he heard a l____ noise like t_____. Afterwards, the real noise came, like b_____ under the ground. Timmy tried his best to r____ out to the street because he was very f_______. F_______, the noise and shaking e______.Timmy c______ down. 1.读一读,阅读P94 的1-3段,了解大意; 2.想一想 1).Where was the earthquake? 2).What was Timmy doing? 3).What could Timmy hear and feel? 3.做一做 Timmy was doing some s______ when the earthquake h_______. First, he felt a slight s_____ through his body. Then he heard a l____ noise like t_____. Afterwards, the real noise came, like b_____ under the ground. Timmy tried his best to r____ out to the street because he was very f_______. F_______, the noise and shaking e______.Timmy c______ down. 4.再读一读 Para.1: 1.What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? 2.What happened in the shopping centre? Para.2: 1. What did people do during the earthquake? 2.What happened to the buildings? Para.3: Where was Timmy when the earthquake stopped? 合作探究与展示: 1.小组合作,看课本。 2.集体核对答案。 重点讲解: 1. At first,I felt a slight shaking through my body. 1)shaking 是名词,意为“摇动,震动”。其动词为 (过去式是 ) e.g. At night, the shaking of the trees in the wind made me feel frightened.在晚上树在风中摇摆使我感到害怕。 An earthquake shook the city.地震使这个城市摇动了。 He _______hands with his friend when they met. Did you feel the _______ of the train when you stayed near the railway. 2)through是介词,意为“穿过,通过,透过”,through与in有关,表示动作是在某物体的空间里进行的。across 也是介词,也有“穿过”的意思,表示动作是在某物体的表面进行的。 We were walking ______ the f


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