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PAGE PAGE 1 华南师范大学学生毕业论文 人口老龄化 本科四年级学生:杨瑞锋 任课老师:陈延林 学科专业:人力资源管理 课程:社会保障学 华南师范大学经济与管理学院 二0一二年十二月一日 Student’s Homework Thesis of South China Normal University Aged Tendency of Population Third-year undergraduate students : Yang Ruifeng Teacher : Chen Yanlin Major : Human Resources Management Class : Social Security School of South 1st December 2012 摘要 人口老龄化问题是世界各国都需要面对的难题,伴随着这一问题的日趋严重,许多国家都在探讨其解决方法。中国作为世界人口最多,同时又是生育率下降最快、持续时间最长的发展中国家,因而也是最早进入并将迅速走向老龄化严重阶段的发展中国家。中国人口老龄化具有速度比较快、达到的水平比较高和地区分布不平衡等显著特点,与发达国家“先富后老”比较形成“未富先老”的基本态势,因而人口老龄化对经济和社会发展的影响和制约格外引人瞩目。本文通过对中国人口老龄化现状及其对社会各方面影响的分析,基于第六次人口普查资料、老年人工作委员会2011年老年人工作报告。简述我国人口老龄化的基本情况、遇到的问题和发展趋势,归纳出人口老龄化“两大三高”(即绝对值大、地区差异大;高速、高龄、高老年抚养比)的特点。同时在分析借鉴国外先进经验的基础上,提出了诸如稳定生育水平,减少未来老年人口比例;实行弹性退休制度,充分发挥老年人力资源优势;提出综合采取多种措施等等应对我国人口老龄化问题的相关对策和建议。 关键字:人口老龄化 发展中国家 特点 现状 问题 对策和建议 ABSTRACT An aging population is that all countries in the world need to face the problem, with this problem become more and more serious,many countries are exploring their solution. China, as the worlds most populous country, and at the same time, it’s a fertility drops quickly and the longest duration of developing countries. China is also the first to enter and will rapidly aging severe stages of the developing countries. Chinese population aging is faster, to achieve relatively high level and unbalanced regional distribution and other notable features, with the developed country first rich after the old forms not the old rich first the basic situation, the population aging on economic and social development influence and restrict the conspicuous. In this paper, we know the status of the aging of Chinas population and its social impact analysis Based on the sixth census data, the elderly Commission older working report of 2011 .Summary of population aging in Chinas basic situation、problems and development trends. Summarize the aging of urban population two three-high (large absolut



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