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请先在如下网址观看《老友记》第二季第十集,然后有不懂的地方再根据台词找对应翻译(也可以直接在看视频时看视频里的字) 视频地址: HYPERLINK n346958903.shtml n346958903.shtml (如果无法直接打开链接,可以在百度中搜索“ 老友记”) 美剧学口语方法: 先看第一遍了解剧情 看第二遍记录本集中对自己来说没有见过的表达方式,并背诵 看第三遍模仿角色的发音,进行配音练习! 美剧台词 《friends》第二季第十集 乔伊的职业生涯进行的如何了呢?一起来看今天的第一段配音任务吧! JOEY: Here it is, here it is. [reading from newspaper] The only thing worse than the mindless, adolescent direction was Joseph Tribbianis disturbingly unskilled portrayal of the king. CHAN: OK, look, that is one guys opinion, alright. Phoebs, read yours. PHOE: OK. [reading] The only thing worse than the mindless, adolescent direction... CHAN: Does anyone have one from a different paper? Ross, read yours. ROSS: I dont want to. RACH: Joey, honey, they dont know what theyre talking about. ROSS: Yeah. JOEY: Maybe they do. Ive been doin this ten years and I havent gotten anywhere. Theres gotta be a reason. ROSS: Oh cmon. Maybe youre just, uhhh... paying your dues. JOEY: No, no, no, it.. its too hard. Its not worth it. I quit. 有了,在这儿 ”唯一此没大脑又孩子气的导演还要烂的是… …崔乔伊对国王的超级逊诠释” 那只是一个人的意见 菲碧,念你的 ”唯一此没大脑又孩子气的导演还要烂的是…” 谁念一念别家报纸可以吗? 罗斯,念你的 我不想念 乔伊,蜜糖他们不知道他们在讲什么 那不一定 演了十年还混不出名堂不是因为我烂是什么 别这样嘛,你现在是耕耘阶段 不…太难了 这不值得,我不干了 一起来看今天为大家准备的第二段对话,风趣巴比到底多有趣呢?一起来配音这一段内容吧! FBOB: Geller! ROSS: Hey, Fun Bobby! FBOB: Hey. Whoa, hey, youve been working out, huh? ROSS: Not at all! I love this guy. Hey, I was so psyched to hear youre back with my sister! MNCA: You and me both. FBOB: Hey, so whatd I miss, whatd I miss, cmon? PHOE: Oh, we were just trying to make Joey feel better. FBOB: Hey, do you need me to pick you up? JOEY: No, Im alright man. Really. FBOB: No, Im picking you up. JOEY: Hey no, seriously, I dont need you to pick me... [Fun Bobby picks Joey up off the ground, bounces him. Joey laughs.] Alright! It still works. FBOB: OK, now before I go, does anybody else need to be picked up? [everyone raises their hands] Im still gonna go. MNCA: OK, Ill see you later babe. FBOB: Uh, public display of affection coming up. You can aver



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