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选做语音 BEC商务口语 本周的BEC商务英语口语部分让我来为大家分析考试中第二部分的“mini presentation”。 第二部分考试为小演讲。每个考生分别会得到一张带有三个不同题目的卡片,每个考生的题目都不相同。三个题目各有侧重点,其中一个题目适合商务经历有限的考生,一个题目适合略有商业经验的考生,还有一个题目适合比较熟悉商业某领域运作的考生。因此考生应当认真审题,以选择适合自己的那一个题目。考生选完题后准备一分钟,然后根据题目要求和所附有的两三点提示作一分钟的简短发言。每个考生做完发言之后另外一位考生要根据他刚才的发言对其提出一个问题。 这一部分所涉及的范围相当广泛,但大多数与商务有关,考生应注意商务运作中各环节具体操作的重要性及其原因,如公司员工参加培训班的重要性应当从哪些角度去分析、选择公司驻地应有哪些重要性等。 下面一起来看一道例题和范例答案: What is important when...? Motivating staff ? financial benefits ? career development opportunities 我们一起来看个答案范例。 Sample Speaking: Well, Im very interested in this topic -- whats important when motivating staff. Personally, I think there are three main important factors: financial benefits, career development opportunities and an easy-going boss. Firstly, the financial benefits should be the most important factor. They may include good salary, bonus and other perks. As we know, most people work to live instead of working for fun. And also as the saying goes, money can make the mare go, so money is very important in motivating staff. Secondly, career development opportunities are quite important. Actually, there is nobody who does not want to be promoted. If staff cannot see any good career prospects, they will probably quit the job. Finally, an easy-going boss is also important. Nobody wants to work with a difficult boss. To sum up, financial benefits, career development opportunities and an easy-going boss are important in motivating staff. 再给大家分享几个第二题的答题小技巧: (1)充分利用准备时间,仔细审题,罗列自己的主要观点和论点。 (2)演讲结构要完整,引题,观点陈述和结尾要清晰,衔接自然,有逻辑性。 (3)论点论据要充分,将论点充分展开,不可一味的重复论点。 (4)如果想不到更多的论点,在一分钟之内能就一方面发挥拓展开来也可以得到理想成绩。 因此,考生在这部分的观点论述不见得要面面俱到,只要能够清晰明了、有理有据地去表达即可。 托业口语 上节课为同学们分享了question 1-2:Read a text aloud,今天呢,先不看题目,我来为同学们分享一个商务英语考试的实用小技巧,我们来谈谈表达意见的方式。同学们掌握了之后我们再更好地进入下面题目的学习。 10种表达意见的方式 1.I think This is the most common and general way of giving an opinion. You can use it both informally and formally I think if you offer a HYPERLINK /w/consistentlyconsistently good service to your clients, they will keep


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