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Business culture and strategy DE3X 35 PAGE PAGE 13 Trade07 WEIWEI Introduction JD Wetherspoon plc was founded by Tim Martin who opened the first JD Wetherspoon pub in 1979. He based his model for a pub on a 1946 essay by George Orwell which referred to an imaginary pub called ‘Moon Under Water’. JD Wetherspoon became a plc in 1992 at which time it consisted of a chain of 44 pubs. It now has over 600 pubs, which means that it has expanded on average at the rate of about one new pub each week. Much of the success of JD Weatherspoon during the last two decades of the twentieth century was attributed to the founder, Tim Martin. He is a controversial and unusual character for a businessman. In his capacity as executive chairman, he regularly traveled round the country visiting pubs and, when he did so, he carried all his business documents in two plastic supermarket carrier bags. In this report, its purpose is to indicate four sections which External environment, Organizational culture Business strategy and Change are concerning in JDW issues. Section 1 External environment a .“SPELT” analysis Social factor In the article, there are examples of social factors. Most pubs now have a dedicated family dining area where children and adults can eat together. The area is restricted and limited to meal times only. Children are not allowed in the bar areas and company believes it does greatly after the atmosphere of the pubs. The pubs have a great rule to restrict children. Children are at young age, Technical factor They need education. Pubs are bad for them; it will bother the social security. It now has more than ten of these hotels, all of which have bar facilities attached to them. This is technical factor. In order to attach customer, the pubs must use high technology and equip it. Economic factors JD Wetherspoon has over 600 pubs and each


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