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请先在如下网址观看《老友记》第一季第二十集,然后有不懂的地方再根据台词找对应翻译(也可以直接在看视频时看视频里的字) 视频地址: HYPERLINK n351643855.shtml n351643855.shtml (如果无法直接打开链接,可以在百度中搜索“ 老友记”) 美剧学口语方法: 先看第一遍了解剧情 看第二遍记录本集中对自己来说没有见过的表达方式,并背诵 看第三遍模仿角色的发音,进行配音练习! 美剧台词 《friends》第一季第二十集 剧总引人发笑的部分应该就是老友们各种无厘头的调侃了,一起来看这段选自第分钟的内容吧! Chandler: I am telling you, years from now, schoolchildren will study it as one of the greatest first dates of all time. It was unbelievable! We could totally be ourselves, we didnt have to play any games... Monica: So have you called her yet? Chandler: Let her know I like her? What are you, insane? (The girls make disgusted noises.) Its the next day! How needy do I want to seem? (To the guys) Im right, right? Joey and Ross: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Let her dangle. Monica: I cant believe my parents are actually pressuring me to find one of you people. Phoebe: Oh, God, just do it! (Grabbing the phone.) Call her! Stop being so testosteroney! Chandler: Which, by the way, is the real San Francisco treat. (Calls her, then hurriedly hangs up.) I got her machine. Joey: Her answer machine? Chandler: No, interestingly enough her leaf blower picked up. Phoebe: So, uh, why didnt you say anything? Chandler: Oh, no-no-no-no. Last time I left a spontaneous message I ended up using the phrase Yes indeedy-o. 告诉你们 几年后学童将会 把它奉为第一次约会的经典加以研读 它太令人无法置信 我们可以完全作自己 无须再玩任何游戏 你打过电话给她没? 让她知道我喜欢她? 你疯了不成 真的 才第二天你要我显得多渴望? 对吧? 对,让她慢慢等吧 我无法相信我爸妈 强迫我找你们这种男人 快,拿起电话打给她 别摆出一付臭男人的样子 对了,旧金山真有这道菜 是机器 她的答录机? 不,真有意思,是落叶机清扫机 你为何不说话? 不行 上次我留话时 结果说了“对,的确” 瑞秋和巴瑞的关系在本季中也是反反复复,一起来看看这一段的内容吧,本段选自第分钟。 Monica: Look ,look! Its Rachel and Barry. No, dont everybody look at once! Ross: Okay, okay, whats going on? Phoebe: Okay, theyre just talking... Ross: Yeah, well, does he look upset? Does he look like he was just told to shove anything? Phoebe: No, no actually, hes smiling.. and... Oh my God, dont do that!! Ross: What? What? What?! Phoebe: That man across the street just kicked that pigeon! (Rachel enters.) Oh! Chandler: (bluffing) And basic


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