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* * * * * Residues deposited on the stems can move across epidermial cells and into the vessel elements of the xylem, allowing for translocation into untreated foliage through the xylem stream. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Following ingestion of Rynaxypyr?(Rynaxypyr? ), there is a rapid effect on skeletal and cardiac muscle. Typical symptoms of insect intoxication include rapid feeding cessation, general lethargy, regurgitation, and muscle paralysis Severe stunting is observed (as depicted in this picture where intoxicated larvae are compared to untreated larvae) Because the onset of feeding cessation occurs within minutes of exposure, protection of the crop is essentially immediate. Death itself occurs within 72 hours (depending on rate, instar, species sensitivity, environmental conditions, etc.) * * As illustrated by the data above, Rynaxypyr?(Rynaxypyr? )is frequently 1-2 orders of magnitude more potent against lepidopteran species than most of the available commercial standards * * * * * * * * The table below shows the relative speed of kill of Spodoptera exigua by Rynaxypyr?(Rynaxypyr? )vs. commercial standards. Rynaxypyr?(Rynaxypyr? )acts by impairing muscle contraction. Thus, even though feeding stops almost immediately an the crop is protected, time to kill will vary depending on the vigor of the exposed insect and environmental conditions to which it is exposed. 100% mortality of the exposed individuals is observed within 1-4 days. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 稻纵卷叶螟,康宽 200SC,10毫升每亩,第二次药后8天,施药间隔期14天,广东广州,2007 稻纵卷叶螟,空白对照,广东广州,2007 * 二化螟,空白对照,直播早稻,一次药后21天 木田河镇,松滋县,湖北荆州 二化螟,康宽 10毫升每亩,直播早稻,一次药后21天 木田河镇,松滋县,湖北荆州 * 三化螟,空白对照,湖北荆州,2007年 三化螟,康宽 10毫升每亩,一次药后21天,湖北荆州,2007 * 三化螟,水稻, Photo: V. Gupta, India 康宽 10毫升每亩 对照 康宽 10毫升每亩 对照 锐劲特(氟虫氰)66.7毫升每亩 * 小菜蛾和菜青虫,普尊50SC, 1250倍,广东广州,2007 普尊50SC,1250倍, 对照 对照 * 豇豆,斜纹夜蛾+美洲斑潜蝇+豆野螟,广州 施药日期 药剂 剂量 对象 2007/5/20 康宽 200SC X5000 斜纹夜蛾 2007/6/10 康宽 200SC X5000 斜纹夜蛾 豆野螟 施药日期 药剂 剂量 对象 2007/5/20 高氯 4.5% 乳油 X1000 斜


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