Introduction_to_Poka_Yoke 防错技术培训和案例.ppt

Introduction_to_Poka_Yoke 防错技术培训和案例.ppt

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Quality and Human Error “To err is human…” …Alexander Pope Human beings make mistakes, human beings sometimes forget. If you rely on a human being to produce quality product and not make a mistake or not forget sometimes….. Then you really do not care to make a quality product. ADDRESS QUALITY ISSUES THROUGH THE PROCESS. Evolution of Key “Lean” Concepts Contents Introduction to Poka-yoke and types of inspection systems Poka-yoke Systems Poka-yoke Methods Common Mistake Proofing Devices Poka-yoke exercises Shingo Quiz Poka-yoke and Jidoka: Simple Clear Poka-yoke: Poka-yoke prevents defects from being made Jidoka: Prevents defects from being passed on to the next step in the process Three Basic Types of Inspection There are three basic types of inspection techniques Judgment Inspection Human, visual, possibly measured Only discovers defects after production Informative Inspection Statistical Quality Control: flow charts, control charts Theoretical sampling techniques Self check inspection, Successive Inspection Inspects products to help control the process Source Inspection Process focused To correct operating conditions Root causes are eliminated or corrected Before production occurs A Short Story Yamada Electric, Nagoya, Japan The Plant manager: “One of the operations we do involves the assembly of an extremely simple push-button device that we deliver to our parent company, Matsushita Electric. The device is composed of two buttons, and on button and an off button, under each of which we have to enclose a small spring. Sometimes, though, one of our workers forgets to put in a spring. When Matsushita electric discovers a switch without a spring, we have to send an inspector all the way to Kyusha to check every switch that was delivered. This is a real pain in the neck, so whenever it happens, we tell workers to be particularly careful and for a while things improve a bit. The same thing happens again before long, though, and these chronic de


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