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基于Matlab的矢量控制变频调速系统分析 PAGE PAGE 68 基于Matlab的矢量控制变频调速系统分析 摘 要 众所周知,交流异步电机因其结构简单、可靠性高、性能优良、输出转矩大等特点,被广泛的应用,且随着交流异步电机应用领域的不断拓宽,对电机控制系统的设计要求越来越高,既要考虑成本低廉、控制算法合理,又需兼顾控制性能好、开发周期短等特点。然而变频调速具有高效率、宽范围和高精度等特点,是目前运用最广泛且最有发展前途的调速方式。交流电动机变频调速系统的种类很多,从早期提出的电压源型变频器开始,相继发展了电流源型,脉宽调制等各种变频器。 本文在分析交流异步电机数学模型的基础上,提出矢量控制。矢量控制实现的基本原理是通过测量和控制异步电动机定子电流矢量,根据磁场定向原理分别对异步电动机的励磁电流和转矩电流进行控制,从而达到控制异步电动机转矩的目的。然后借助于MATLAB 仿真建模能力,提出了一种基于MATLAB的矢量控制变频调速系统仿真模型的新方法。其基本思想是:将交流感应电机控制系统的功能单元模块化,MATLAB中建立独立的功能模块:交流异步电机本体模块、矢量控制模块、速度控制模块、转矩计算模块等,这些功能模块进行有机整合,即可搭建出交流异步电机系统的仿真模型。控制系统中,速度环采用PI 控制,方法简捷,效果理想。仿真结果证明了该种新型建模方法的快速性和有效性。 关键词:异步电动机,矢量控制,变频调速,MATLAB Matlab-based Vector Control Frequency Control System Analysis ABSTRACT As is known to all, because of its simple structure, high reliability, good performance, output torque big wait for a characteristic, communication, and widely used asynchronous motor with ac induction motor is expanding, and the fields of application of motor control system design requirements more and more high, both must consider low cost, control algorithm and reasonable and need to juggle good control performance, short development cycle, etc. Therefore, how to establish an effective communication asynchronous motor control system simulation model becomes the motor control algorithm design personnel urgent need to address the key problem. Based on the analysis of ac induction motor based on mathematical model, with the aid of MATLAB simulation modeling ability, strong in the function of using SIMULINK embedded components, proposed based on MATLAB/SIMULINK establish ac asynchronous motor control system simulation model of the new method. The basic idea is: will ac induction motor control system function module, MATLAB/SIMULINK unit in establishing the independent function module: ac induction motor ontology modules, vector control module, current hysteresis control module, speed control module, torque calculation module, the functional modules, can build the organic integratio


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