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河南理工大学万方科技学院毕业设计 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT II 摘 要 工厂设计是工业基本建设和技术改造过程中最为重要的环节,是整个工程的灵魂。设计的全过程包括了前期准备、设计、施工驻厂、参加试运转和试生产。较详细的的介绍了800×800×12mm规格墙地砖的生产线联合车间生产工艺,对各个工序均进行了严格的论证,对生产过程中所需要选用的主要设备的工作原理及选型原则也进行了充分的说明。设计以技术先进、经济合理、节约能源为原则,在查阅了各种文献资料,进行市场调研后进行车间工艺设计。本设计是以指导老师提供的年产200万平方米的瓷质地砖陶瓷工厂工艺设计任务书为依据的。主要包括物料、主机、储库三大平衡计算及配料、粉磨、制浆、干燥、成型、烧制、包装等一系列工艺过程,并进行全厂总平面布置设计。 本课题为普通建筑陶瓷的生产线设计,在原料选择方面本设计将采用依托厂址交通便利的优势采用最优化的原料配制,设计出一个原材料、燃料消耗少,劳动生产率高,成本低,投资回收期短,投资效益高的工厂。在工艺控制方面,本设计将采用先进的陶瓷生产设备、工艺及质量检验方式。 关键词:瓷质地砖;平衡计算;工艺设计;技术经济 Abstract Plant design is the most important aspects of the industrial infrastructure and technological transformation process, is the soul of the whole project. The whole process of the design including the preparation, design, construction, commissioning and trial production in factory. In detail introduced the 800 x 800 mm specifications joint workshop floor tile production line production process, has carried on the strict reasoning, to all processes are in the process of production need to choose the working principle of main equipment and selection principles for full instructions. The design is based on the instructor provided an annual output of 1.8 million square meters of building porcelain process design task book basis. Include materials, host, reservoir balance calculation and the three ingredients, grinding, pulping, drying, forming, firing, packaging, and a series of processes, and general layout for the whole plant design. This topic for ordinary building ceramics production line design, in terms of raw material choice relying on the advantage of site traffic convenience is adopted in this design using the optimization of material preparation, design a less raw materials, fuel consumption, high productivity, low cost, short payback period of investment, investment in high efficiency of the factory.In process control, this design will use advanced ceramic production equipment, technology and quality inspection


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