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* * * 解释FPSO的构成,如锚链、浮筒等 * * * * * * * * * * * * * Page * 条款摘要 ASSUREDS CLAUSE PRINCIPAL ASSUREDS China National Offshore Oil Corporation Company and/or joint venturers as they may now or subsequently exist. Parent and/or subsidiary and/or associated and/or inter-related companies of the above as they are now or may hereafter be constituted and their directors, officers and employees, while acting in the capacities as such. OTHER ASSUREDS Project managers. Any other company, firm, person or party (including contractors and/or sub-contractors and/or manufacturers and/or suppliers) with whom the Assured(s) named in i, ii, iii and iv have entered into written contract(s) directly in connection with the Project Page * QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL Special Conditions for OTHER ASSUREDS It is a condition precedent for any party identified in Other Assureds definition iii. and iv. above to benefit from the Other Assureds status under the Policy that they perform their operations according to Quality Assurance/Quality Control system(s) which comply with the Quality Assurance/Quality Control provisions passed on by the Principal Assureds through each and every written contract awarded within the scope of insured works as declared under the Policy. Page * 承保人为什么如此强调QA/QC?…….. 232 incidents 206 incidents Offshore Construction Losses 1994 - 2002 Billions (USD) 1.4 1.2 Page * 保险期限 起始 最好是设备采购前起始,但经常会拖后,将无法追溯保单效力 物质损失部分根据所适用的合同生效,如货运险CIF,没有运输风险=没有保险 责任(第二部分):合同签署时间 Page * 保险期限 终止 因项目的复杂性通常以具体日期界定,而不是事件 承包商在整个保险期限内得到保障,根据主要被保险人的选择可在维护期内获得保障 所有物质损失必须在保单的“发现”期限结束前报告 责任险是以发生日期为准 Page * 保障的风险 市场通用条款 - WELCAR2001条款 保障范围: 为执行本项目的合同所进行的作业所遭受到的物质损失,包括: 材料,部件,零件,固定设备,根据设计将成为完成后项目的一部分的设备; 承包商的临时工程 被保险人对(第三者)财产损失和人身伤亡的赔偿责任 Page * 保障的风险 第一部分 – 物质损失 保险责任 除外责任 第二部分 – 责任险 保险责任 除外责任 保单扩展责任 Page * 第一部分——物质损失 这部分的保险责任分为2大类: 物质损失或损坏 所有的物质损失和损坏 因政府行为导致的故意损坏 – 污染风险条款 政治风险 (战争、罢工及恐怖主义-可选择) Page * 第一部分——物质损失 b) 费用损失 共同海损与救助费用(无特定限额) 施救费用(25%) 残骸清除费用(25%) 海上取消费用(USD300万) 疏散费用(USD100


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