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Abstract Abstract II II Abstract During the Republic of China,the land of the Man nationality,which occupied fifteen percent of the agricultural land in Hebei province ,was paid much attention to by each government because of its large economic revenue. Both Beiyang government and Nanjing government established special organization to manage the land of the Man nationality and promulgated a series of regulations and rules about its management during their reign.As a result,the management of the land of the Man nationality in Hebei province became more and more orderly from the original distempered situation.And what really counted was that the tenants gained the ownership of the land,which was helpful to solve the problem of the proprietary rights.However,all kinds of corruption appeared due to the backward of management system,such as selling the land at very high price,varieties of extra exploitation from different rulers,the officals’neglecting their duties,abusing their power to make money, and the imperfection of management procedure,etc. Key Words:the Republic of China ;Hebei Province;the Land of Man nationality; Management 目 目 录 III III 目 录 前言……………………………………………………………………………………………1 一 民前河北旗地问题概况……………………………………………………………3 (一) 旗地的缘起及演变……………………………………………………………………3 (二) 有清一代河北旗地概况………………………………………………………………5 二 北洋政府时期河北旗地的管理……………………………………………………9 (一) 北洋初期旗租地的接收及管理………………………………………………………9 (二) 旗产官产清理处成立及对旗地全面管理的开始……………………………………10 (三) 北京政变后奉系及国民军对直隶、京兆旗地的分别管理…………………………11 (四) 直隶、京兆旗地管理的归并…………………………………………………………17 三 南京国民政府时期河北旗地的管理………………………………………………22 (一) 河北兼热河官产总处的成立及其管理………………………………………………22 (二) 河北官产总处的成立及其管理………………………………………………………24 (三) 财政部清理河北官产善后事宜办事处成立及其措施………………………………27 四 民国时期河北旗地管理的成弊……………………………………………………30 (一) 成效……………………………………………………………………………………30 (二) 弊端……………………………………………………………………………………33 结语…………………………………………………………………………………………38 注释…………………………………………………………………………………………39 参考文献……………………………………………………………………………………46 前 前 言 PAGE PAGE 10 前 言 旗地是清朝的一种特殊土地形态,经过二百多年的发展变化,在其灭亡之前已属混 乱不堪。民国建立之后,其巨大的


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