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论初中地理课堂教学中的学生问题意识内容摘要 论初中地理课堂教学中的学生问题意识 内容摘要 学科专业:教育管理 研究方向:中小学校管理 指导教师:张诗亚教授 研究生:欧宾(J99011) f在初中地理课堂教学中,不少学校仍存在重知识传授,轻能力培养的倾向。 学生的问题意识缺乏,被动地接受知识。而问题意识是创造的起点。学生只有在 不断试图提出问题,解决问题的过程中,才会有科学的探索精神和创造品质≯ 地理课程标准中提出学生要学习对终身发展有用的地理,改变地理的学习方 式。这就要求初中地理教学要结合学科特点,注重学生问题意识的培养。让学生 自主地探索和解决问题,促进学生能力的发展。 (什么是学生的问题意识?培养学生问题意识的意义何在?影响学生问题意 识发展的因素有哪些?j通过对这些问题的探讨,进一步加强对学生问题意识的认 识。并通过ICI方案对初中地理教材及教师课堂提问的现实状况进行分析研究, 讨论学生问题意识的培养途径。 如何培养学生的问题意识呢?在初中地理课堂教学中,应注重教师课堂提问 的艺术,创设问题情景,教给学生提问的技巧,并结合地理学科的特点,运用地 理课本图象系统来培养学生的问题意识。 文章通过对问题意识的探讨,以期引起教师对在课堂教学中培养学生问题意 识的重视,改进初中地理课堂教学,培养出适应未来社会的创新人才。 关键词:问题意识j 初中地理? 提问艺术? On On the Students’qestioning sense in Junior geography teaching Abstract Major:Education management Speciality:Management in Grimary and Middle schools Tutor:Proffessor Zhang Shiya Author:Ou Bin(J9901 1) In the geography class of primary school,many teachers still just concentrate their effort on giving the students some knowledge,but pay little attention to helping them improve their ability.In that cSse,the students have no questioning sense which is the starting of creation.That means the students ares’t able raise questions and solve problems by themselves.But only during the coruse of asking questions and trying to solve them,the students Can bring forth new ideas and make a study of something new,otherwise,they can only accept what are given by the teachers. The course standard of geography has brought out that the students must change their ways of studying trying to learn geography from which tlley can benefit in all their lives.This requires the primary school must think more highly of arousing the students’questioning sense which will do much for the development of the students’ abilitly and make them discover and solve problems actively. What’S the sense of“questioning”?Why should we train it?What offects the development of the sense of‘‘questioning”of the students.It’S hoped that we know more about it after discussing the question.Above.Also we should make the students rea


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