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Can you do the exercises? How much is your _______?(衬衫) How much are these_______?(短裤) Do you like that ________ ?(毛衣) _____ ______ (多少钱)are this hamburger and the French fries ? This watch is very nice. It is ________ (50美元). How much _______ (be) his shoes? How much _______ (be) the red socks? A: Can I help you? B: Yes,… A: What color is it? B: It’s … A: Here you are. B: How much is …? A: It’s $... B: I’ll take it. Thank you. A: You are welcome… RMB 美元(USD $) 英镑(Pound £) 欧元(Euro) 港元(HK$) 法国法郎(F, Fr) 提供帮助的表达法: Can I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? 回答是直接说要买什么东西: I want a sweater. I want to buy a sweater. 决定买时说: I’ll take / buy / get / it. I’ll = I will 1. Here you are. = = 2. Thanks a lot. = 3. You are welcome. = = = = 4. How much is it? = That’s all right. That’s OK. Not at all. It’s my pleasure. What’s the price of it? Here it is. It is here. Thank you very much. Homework: 假如你到商店买一顶黑色帽子,编一则你和售货员之间的对话。 第三课时 Section B 3a, 3b, 4, Self Check come, very, price, each, anybody,afford, our, see, yourself, sorry, buy…from, sell…to 1.能够掌握下列词汇 3.能够掌握一些阅读理解的技巧 2.学会写广告词 2.能够掌握一些阅读理解的技巧 1.学会正确写广告 100 yuan(¥100) ($1~¥8.00) 20 dollars ($20) 10 pounds (£10) * 黉阳中学 梁 杰 本单元围绕shopping这个话题,主要学习讨论服装、价格及购物时使用的礼貌用语,其内容贴近学生的生活和学习实际,有利于他们在真实的语言环境中培养英语交际能力。学生会因此话题的趣味性及实用性而感兴趣,故能在学中用,用中学,印象深刻。并且它与前面学过的颜色和数词紧密相连,是它的延续。 教学重点 教学重点和难点 1.掌握一些服装类、颜色形状大小的词汇以及 有关数字的表达。 2.熟练运用数字.正确表示价格 3.在购物的情景中,熟练并正确使用句型: How much is…? It’s… How much are they? They are…. 教学难点 1.指示代词this, that, these, those的适当使用。 2.How much引导的问句以及回答,以及句中 主谓数的一致 单元教学分四课时 第一课时: Section A 1a—1c+ Section B 1a-2c 第二课时:Section A 2a、2b、2c、3a、3b、4 第三课时:Section B 3a, 3b, 4,Self Check 第一课时 Section A 1a—1c + Section B 1a-2c sock, shirt, T-shirt, shorts, shorts, sweater, shoe, skirt, sale, dollar, pants, buy, sell, clothes, store, how much 1.能够学会下列单词 2


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