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Liang, Introduction to Java Programming, Eighth Edition, (c) 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 0132130807 Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Java Objectives To review computer basics, programs, and operating systems (§§1.2-1.4). To explore the relationship between Java and the World Wide Web (§1.5). To distinguish the terms API, IDE, and JDK (§1.6). To write a simple Java program (§1.7). To display output on the console (§1.7). To explain the basic syntax of a Java program (§1.7). To create, compile, and run Java programs (§1.8). (GUI) To display output using the JOptionPane output dialog boxes (§1.9). What is a Computer? CPU Memory How Data is Stored? Data of various kinds, such as numbers, characters, and strings, are encoded as a series of bits (zeros and ones). Computers use zeros and ones because digital devices have two stable states, which are referred to as zero and one by convention. The programmers need not to be concerned about the encoding and decoding of data, which is performed automatically by the system based on the encoding scheme. The encoding scheme varies. For example, character ‘J’ is represented byin one byte. A small number such as three can be stored in a single byte. If computer needs to store a large number that cannot fit into a single byte, it uses a number of adjacent bytes. No two data can share or split a same byte. A byte is the minimum storage unit. Storage Devices Output Devices: Monitor Monitor Resolution and Dot Pitch Communication Devices Programs Computer programs, known as software, are instructions to the computer. You tell a computer what to do through programs. Without programs, a computer is an empty machine. Computers do not understand human languages, so you need to use computer languages to communicate with them. Programs are written using programming languages. Programming Languages Machine Language Assembly Language High-Level Language Programming Languages Machin


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