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flipped;The most beatuiful is not always the scenery, but the people in it. 最美的往往不是看风景,而是看风景的人;It all began in the summer of 1957,before the start of second grade. 故事开始于一年级暑假,1957年的夏天。;the first day i met Bryce Loski, I flipped. 见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我心动了。;It was those eyes, something in those dazzing eyes. 他的双眸有种魔力让我如痴如醉。;-Hi,im Juli naker. -Hey, hey,what are you doing -嗨,我叫茱莉 贝克。-喂喂 你干嘛呢;- And shes been stalking me since the second grade. 她从二年级起就老是缠着我。;He was so shy so cute;and hes hair, it smelled like watermelon. I couldnt get enough of it 他的发丝间弥漫着西瓜的香氛,我简直如痴如醉;Mom said he stared like that because he missed Grandma 妈妈说 外公经常这样发呆因为他很想念外婆;Tell me about your feiend Juli Baker. 来聊一聊你的朋友茱莉·贝克;That girl has an iron backbone 这女孩挺有骨气的;I cant stand it,Juli Baker and that stupid sycamore tree. 我无法忍受茱莉·贝克和那颗愚蠢的梧桐树;She always thought it was Gods gift to our little corner of the universe. 她自认为那棵树是上帝赐给我们的礼物;The way she talked about what it felt like to be up in that tree to be held above the earth, brushed by the wind. 她说起那种置身树梢的感觉时说就像被高高举起,微风拂面。;And?the?higher?I?got,the?more?amazed?I?was?by?the?view. 我爬得越高,越为眼前的风景所惊叹;From?that?moment?on,that?became?my?spot. 从那一刻起?我彻底爱上了这里;?one day,The?owner want?build?a?house,?and?this?trees?in?the?way 有一天树的主人想在这里建一座房子,这棵树挡住了;When the tree was finally cut down, Julie cried for weeks. 当树最终被砍下时,Julie哭了几个星期;But no matter what I did. I couldnt stop thinking about it. 无论我怎么做,我就是忘不了那棵树。;And?once?I?could?look?at?it?without?crying.. I?saw?more?than?the?tree. 当我不再面对画落泪时,我看到的不再仅仅是一棵树;and?what?being?up?there?meant?to?me 我开始懂了在树上的那些时光对我的意义;Well, a girl like that doesnt live next door to everyone 这样的女孩可不是每个人都遇得到的;Shes quite a girl 她真是个不错的女孩 ;when you do, nothing will ever compare. 当你遇到这个人后,会觉得其他人只是浮云而已;When she walked out of the door, I thought back to the first time I saw her. How could anybody, ever, have wanted to run away from Juli Baker. 她走出门时,我仿佛回到了初见她的那一刻,怎么有人想要躲着朱莉?贝克呢? ;Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain dow


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