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外文翻译 原文 Current status and Countcmicasurcs on Infonnatization of Medium and Small-sized Logiscics Enterpri ses in China Material Source: Advanced Materials Research Aurhor: Jun Qiang Wang Abstract Focused on medium and small sized logistics cnicrprisc(MSLE)in China.rhc characteristics are analyzed and existing issues are addressed based on the comprehensive investigation results of CUrrCnt ICVCIs of informatizarion of MSLEs covering investment.infrastructure.awareness,strategy,integration,standardization and qualified talent.Taking full Consideration of Chinas nacional siiuation.thc development opportunities of MSLEs informatization arc discussed in terms of the powerful national informarization strategy,the key supporl on logistics industry,the prCssing dCnland on logistic sCrviCC generated by manufacturing industry,the intense competition among lOgisliCs software suppliers Jhe rapid development of public logistics information platform and advanced logistics technology development.Furthe- rmorc,ihc corresponding countermeasures at the aspects or enhancing sori power.utilizing external consulting services,popularizing compact and e 彳 J,icient informarion plarform,keeping fast and smooih informatizarion constniction policy,and strengihening projeci management and associared reguiarions are presented to help promore the informari zarion progress o. f MSLE in China. Introduction The medium and small sized logistics encerpnsef MSLE)is a major force in China logistics industry.According ro the report of International Business Daily,there were over 1,000 Iogisiics enterprises in China in 2001 while over 10.000 in 2003.By end of has reached up tO 730.00() logistics cntcrpriscs.Thc MSLE CoVers 9()%of the iotal in numbe匚Nowadays,MSLEs play an imponant role io promorc economic dcvclopmcnt.cmploymcnt and indusLrial sirucrurc optimization and upgrading,and rechnical innovation. According to chc Third Narional Logistics SUrVey organized by China Association of Warehouse



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