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内 容 摘 要 近年来,随着我国教育制度改革,高校进一步扩招,在校大学生人数连年攀升,在校大学生外出旅游人也数逐年增长,旅游消费逐渐成为大学生消费的热点。本文挑选浙江科技学院在校大学生作为研究群体,对该校的100名大学生进行问卷调查,研究目前大学生旅游消费的心理。并结合国内外学者对旅游消费动机理论以及旅游消费行为理论的研究成果从而对大学生旅游消费的基本情况、决策因素以及期望都进行了调查分析,通过对调查问卷的统计分析得出:(1)大学生的旅游意愿都比较强烈;(2)旅游价格是制约大学生旅游的主要因素;(3)大学生旅游意愿随着距离的加大而逐渐衰减;(4)大学生喜欢和同学朋友一起自助旅游;(5)大学生旅游主要是为了参观不同的自然人文景观等等。本文通过对大学生旅游消费心理的调查,再结合目前大学生旅游市场现状和旅游产品的不足,提出针对大学生旅游消费群体的营销政策,供旅游企业和旅游景点借鉴和参考,最终促进经济的发展。 关键词:大学生、旅游市场、旅游消费心理 ABSTRACT In recent years, with our country education system developing, the number of college students and traveling students is increasing year by year. And tour consume is becoming a hot topic of college students’ consumption. This paper intends to study the tourist psychology of college students based on the research group of students in ZUST by questionnaire for one hundred students . It analysises the consumption questionnaire of college students tourism consumption’ basic information and policy factors and expectations, which is based on the scholar’s research results theory of tourist consumption behavior and the theory of tourist motivation. After researching on radio monitoring data statistic, it makes the following conclusion: first, college students have the strong desire to travel; second, the tourism expenses is the major influential factor for restricting travel; third, the desire of travel will be diminished increasingly with the extended distance; four, college students prefer to travel with their friends in self-service way, and the main purpose of travel is to visit the natural and cultural scene spot,etc. Finally, this paper come up wih some feasible tourism marketing strategy of college students for tourism reference to stimulate the economic development through the investigation of college students’ consumption psychology and the study of tourism status and drawbacks of tourist products. KEYWORDS:college students, tourism marketing,tour consume psychology 正文目录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \z \u 第一章 绪论 1 第一节 研究背景 1 第二节 研究意义 2


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