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INC – increment (增量指令) Examples INC reg/mem ;reg/mem←reg/mem+1 inc bx inc [DI] ; (X) assembler don’t know byte, ; word or d-word. inc byte ptr [bx] Table 13-4 INC instruction DEC – decrement (增量指令) Format: Operation: (DST) ← (DST) - 1 DEC instruction clear or set the OF, SF, and ZF flags, but not effect CF flag bit. DEC不影响进位CF标志,按定义设置其他状态标志 DEC DST DEC – decrement (减量指令) Examples DEC reg/mem ;reg/mem←reg/mem-1 DEC cx DEC word ptr [bx] INC DEC Useful for incrementing and decrementing counters. Take fewer bytes of code and execute in fewer clock cycles than corresponding addition or subtraction instructions. INC指令和DEC指令都是单操作数指令 主要用于对计数器和地址指针的调整 NEG – negate (取补指令) Format: Function: reverses the sign of a binary value, from positive to negative and vice versa. NEG reg/mem ;reg/mem←0 - reg/mem NEG – negate (取补指令) Format: Operation: NEG reverses the bits, and then adds 1 for proper 2’s complement notation. (DST) ← 0 - (DST) NEG instruction affect AF, CF, OF, PF, SF and ZF NEG reg/mem ;reg/mem←0 - reg/mem NEG mov ax,0ff64h neg al sub al,9dh neg ax dec al neg ax Questions Show the result in the destination operand. NEG mov ax,0ff64h neg al ;ax=ff9ch,OF=0、SF=1、ZF=0、PF=1、CF=1 sub al,9dh ;ax=ffffh,OF=0、SF=1、ZF=0、PF=1、CF=1 neg ax ;ax=0001h,OF=0、SF=0、ZF=0、PF=0、CF=1 dec al ;ax=0000h,OF=0、SF=0、ZF=1、PF=1、CF=1 neg ax ;ax=0000h,OF=0、SF=0、ZF=1、PF=1、CF=0 Answers CMP – compare (比较指令) Format: Function: Compares the binary contents of two data fields. CMP DST, SRC ; (DST) - (SRC) CMP – compare (比较指令) Format: Operation: CMP internally subtracts operand 2 from operand 1 and sets/clears flags, but not store the result. Both operands are byte, word, or doubleword. (DST) - (SRC) CMP DST, SRC ; (DST) - (SRC) CMP – compare (比较指令) affect AF, CF, OF, PF, SF and ZF CF SF ZF Operand 1 Operand 2 1 1 0 Operand 1 = Operand 2 0 0 1 Operand 1 Operand 2 0 0 0 CMP DST, SRC ; (DST) - (SRC) CMP – compare (比较指令) CMP may compare register, memory, or imme


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