英汉对照分子生物学导论 教学课件 ppt 作者 [美]西尔维恩 W.勒潘 王勇 编著Chapter 10.ppt

英汉对照分子生物学导论 教学课件 ppt 作者 [美]西尔维恩 W.勒潘 王勇 编著Chapter 10.ppt

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Because the two strands are complementary, they produce two identical double-stranded copies of the original transposon. After synthesis, any breaks in the DNA are sealed, producing one large circular DNA with two transposons. This structure is then resolved to produce two separate molecules: one chromosome with a new transposon, and one DNA molecule that still has a transposon in its original location. To achieve this, homologous recombination occurs between the res sites of the two transposons, joining one half of one transposon to the other half of the other transposon. 因为这两条链是互补的,因此它们产生的是与原来的转座子完全相同的两个双链拷贝。合成完成后,DNA中的所有裂口均被封闭,产生一个含有两个转座子的环状DNA大分子。然后,这一结构被拆分产生两个分开的分子:一条含有新转座子的染色体和一个在原来位置仍然带有转座子的DNA分子。为达成此目的,需要在这些转座子的res位点发生同源重组,从而将一个转座子的一半连接到另一个转座子的另一半上。 We have a movie to show the process of replicative transposition. 我们有一个显示复制型转座过程的短片可以观看。 Now, let’s look at the mechanism of conservative transposition. In conservative transposition, the initial steps of transposition would be the same with those of replicative transposition. Staggered cuts would be made, and the ends of the insertion site would be linked to the ends of the transposon. 现在,让我们来看一看保守型转座的机理。在保守型转座中,转座的开始几个步骤与复制型转座是相同的。也会产生交错切口,插入位点的末端也与转座子的末端连接在一起。 Then, the mechanisms diverge. For conservative transposition, two more cuts are made on either side of the transposon, completely severing its attachment to its original site in the circular DNA. The transposon remains linked at its new site by two covalent bonds to single-strands of the insertion site, and it is not denatured. All that remains is to use replication to make double-stranded DNA from the short single-stranded regions, and the conservative transposition is complete. 之后,两种机理开始出现不同。对保守型转座而言,将在转座子的两边再产生两个切口,完全割断转座子与环形DNA在原来位置的连接。转座子在新位点上保持与插入位点单链的共价连接,并且不发生变性。所有剩下的工作就是采用复制方法从短的单链区域产生双链DNA,整个保守型转座过程结束。 The mechanism of replicative transposition described above only applies to certain kinds of transposons. Mobile genetic elements



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