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非谓语动词在写作中的运用 The usage of the Non-finite verbs in writing ① I’m afraid of being laughed at . ②I usually keep silent when I meet foreigners. ① The girl was from London. ② She was attracted by the beauty of nature. ③ She decided to spend two more days on the farm. 1.一个乞丐在路边讨钱(ask for money)。李先生匆忙赶路上班,没有注意到那个乞丐。 2.乞丐很生气,伸出(stick out)拐杖,差点把李先生绊倒了(trip over)。 3.李先生意识到他是个残疾人,便在口袋里找钱给他。 李先生拿出了一张百元钞票(a 100-yuan note).突然一阵风把钞票吹到了空中。 4.看到此景,乞丐迅速跳起来去追 那张钞票。李先生站在那里, 惊得合不拢嘴。 A beggar ① One day, when Mr. Li hurried on his way to work, a beggar on the roadside was asking for money, but Mr. Li paid no attention to him. ② As a result, the beggar got angry and stuck out his walking stick, which almost tripped Mr. Li over. ③Realizing the beggar was a disabled person, Mr. Li began to search for some money in his pocket to give him,and then took out a 100-yuan note, which was suddenly blown into the air by the wind. ④Seeing this, the beggar jumped quickly to run after the note, which made Mr. Li so surprised that he stood there with his mouth open. 1.在我们的身后总会有这样一个人时刻关心着我们。当每天清晨走出家门准备上学时,她总会对我们叮嘱再三,如走路时注意交通安全,在校不要和同学打架,吃东西时慢点等等。作为一个孩子,这些话有时让我们觉得好烦。 2.每天放学回家后,她总会为我准备好我们需要的一切,小到我们需要的只是一杯水,她都会记在心上。 3.当看到她头上的白发眼角的皱纹时,我知道我已长大,而她也不再年轻。 4.到了我们该为她做点事情的时候了,哪怕只是给她捶捶背,为她泡杯茶都会令她感觉是世上最幸福的人。那个人是谁呢?就是妈妈。 * * * * Learn to use different forms of a verb V V-ing V-ed to V Different forms can be used as N. (主语、宾语、表语、补语) Adj. (定语、状语、补语) Adv.(状语) 【看一看】非谓语动词在句子中的作用 主语:① Having a disability does not mean 表语: your life is not satisfying. 定语:②A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. 宾语: ③Without pausing we jumped into the boat… 宾语补足语: ④As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of killers. 状语: ⑤There was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again. Review what we have learned in


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