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椰汁体外促双歧杆菌生长作用的研究 朱辉 张德纯* 王春耀 刘明方 刘胜男(重庆医科大学分子医学与肿瘤研究中心;病原生物学教研室,重庆400016) [摘要] 目的 探讨椰汁体外对4株双歧杆菌生长的促进作用。方法 利用4株常见的双歧杆菌作为受试菌,以菌液OD600值、pH值、活菌计数以及发酵牛乳凝乳时间和乳液pH值等为指标,来研究椰汁对4种双歧杆菌增殖和活性的促进作用。结果 按照25%(V/V)添加椰汁时,4株双歧杆菌菌体浓度(光密度值及活菌计数)均明显高于空白对照组﹙P<0.05﹚,其中两歧双歧杆菌、青春双歧杆菌以及长双歧杆菌甚至高于双歧因子阳性对照组﹙P<0.05﹚。4株双歧杆菌发酵含有椰汁的牛乳后,两歧双歧杆菌、青春双歧杆菌和长双歧杆菌的凝乳时间均较空白对照组和阳性对照组明显缩短﹙P<0.05﹚,婴儿双歧杆菌却未出现凝乳现象,但4株双歧杆菌pH值均低于空白对照组和阳性对照组﹙P<0.05﹚。结论 椰汁有可能成为一种良好的双歧因子,并可作为双歧杆菌的天然培养基。 [关键词]:椰汁;双歧杆菌;促生长作用;双歧因子 [中图分类号]:R378.2 [文献标志码]:A Coconut juice improves Growth Promotion of Coconut Juice on Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium proliferation inVitrolin vitro Zhu Hui, Zhang Dechun, Wang Chunyao, Liu Mingfang, Liu Shengnan (Department of Pathogenic Biology, Molecular Mediciine Tumor Research Center, College of Basic Medical Sciences, Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, 400016, China ) [Abstract] Objective To discuss determine the effect of coconut juice on the growth promotion of coconut juice on 4 four strains of Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium in vitro. Methods Using fFour strains of common Bifidobacterium were employed as the tested bacteriaum,. tThe variation of OD600 values, pH values, plate counts of bacteria liquid, coagulation time of the fermented milk and its pH values were investigated to discussfor the effect of coconut juicerole ion proliferation of 4promoting four strains of Bifidobacterium . Results The results showed as follows:wChen adding oconut juice of 25% (V/V) coconut juice, resulted in significantly higher light density values and live bacteria count in the 4four strains compared with of Bifidobacterium concentration (light density values and live bacteria count) were significantly higher than that of blank control group (P0.05)﹙p<0.05﹚, with Bifidobacterium bifidum , Bifidobacterium adolescentis and Bifidobacterium longum even higher than positive control group (P0.05)﹙p<0.05﹚. After coconut juice was added into fermenting milk with four 4 strains of Bifidobacterium


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