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第九单元习题 一 选择正确答案。? 1. I’m looking at the photograph ______? you sent me with your letter. ?? A. who B. it C. which 2. We should give love to the children _____ lost their parents in the earthquake. ?? A. who B. those C. whom 3. Chatting was the only thing _______interested her. A. Where B. What C. that 4. He was the first person_______passed the exam . A. that B. who C. whom 5. The oldest man _______ sits in the middle is my grandfather. A.that B. Who C. which 二. 用适当的关系词填空。 1.I want to read all the books ____were written by Lu Xun. 2.She took photos of the people and the things _____she was interested in . 3. Who is the person _______is standing at the gate. 4. This is the house in _______they lived last year. 三. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1 The girl who ________________(wear) new clothes is my cousin. 2. The man who _________ (come) here every morning was a very good basketball player when he was young. 3. The dog which _______ (have) a short tail is mine. 4. We all like the dog which __________ (play) with the students over there. 5. The car which Mr. Wang ___________ (buy) last week is very expensive. 汉译英 1. take sb. to a concert 2. Chinese folk music 3. sense a strong sadness and pain 4. the most moving pieces of music 5. cry along with 6. look up the history of 7. a folk musician 教学反思 反思:一合理设计课堂结构和问题 新课程理念及新基础教育理念都提倡把课堂还给学生让课堂充满生命活力,让学生真正动起来。让学生的思维处于活跃状态积极思考问题,这种内在深层次的动才是英语课堂需要的动,动得有序,动而不乱。课堂教学要的不是热闹的场面,而是对问题深入研究和思考。因此根据这节课的教学内容,经过动脑思考,归纳总结的过程,学生更好地掌握本节课的宗旨。 二注意培养学生的阅读能力 根据学生的学习情况和明年面临中考的现实,我注意引导学生使用构词法,猜测方法,根据上下文,从问题入手等阅读方法,掌握答题技巧 三多种评价手段的运用 教学中面向大多学生,并给与及时的鼓励和评价。一个会心的微笑,学生的掌声,翘起的拇指,让学生及时感到被认可,他就更有动力投入到下面的学习中


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