新视野大学英语Unit 3 Longing for a New Welfare System(渴望新的福利制度)93P.ppt

新视野大学英语Unit 3 Longing for a New Welfare System(渴望新的福利制度)93P.ppt

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I. Introduction II. Preview III. Theme-based and task-based leading-in IV. Section A_Text V. Answer to exercises VI. Extensive assignments VII. Testing yourself VIII. Review IX. Optional tasks 教学目的 1.让学生掌握有关welfare的主题词汇 2.使学生能够运用主题语汇完成有 关的听说读写译的实际语言任务 3.启发学生开始关心社会问题,培 养人文素质 Welfare State social worker support for families with dependent children low-wage, no-benefit jobs welfare recipients/clients welfare dependency allowances asylum handicapped lift a family above the poverty line Wellbeing(福利) social security medical care(医疗保险), Medicaid(医疗补助) old age pensions accident insurance health insurance, public assistance unemployment insurance 1. Lead-in questions 2. Related questions from the text 3. Spot dictation 4. Discussion and Presentation 1. Lead-in questions (1).Have you ever seen any disabled people? How do they support themselves? Tips: relative family member pension begging charity self-reliance donation fund social welfare system (3) Why just 10%? Who pays the rest for you? (4) What is welfare? (4) What is welfare? (4) What is welfare? 2.Related questions from the text (2) How do you describe Suzanne ? 1. afford to eat properly 2. to have a decent standard of living 3. household pet 4. Cheat 5. are not declared 6. understated 7. exaggerated 8. expect them to bow down to them 9. they are being lied to 3) to drum up (L. 6) 竭力争取大力招揽 Translate: 他飞到北方去为竞选争取支持. 每年圣诞节期间,商家们各显神通来招揽生意. 四处找活 私下里 抵抗不住诱惑 欺骗,愚弄某人 给自己惹麻烦 drum up business under the table yield to the temptation make fool of sb. get involved in some sticky situation 5. Sentence pattern There is no provision of… in… for… 在······中没有明确/提供······ , 使你达到······目的。 There is no provision in the law for a gradual shift away f



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