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小试牛刀 A small boy and his father 1.________ (walk) back to their home. It suddenly began 2. _____________rain hard. They 3. __________ (not have) their umbrellas 4._____________ them and there was nowhere to hide from the rain, so they were soon all wet, and the small boy didn’t feel happy. For 5.________long time while they were walking back to their home through the rain, the boy was thinking. Then at last?he turned to his father and 6._______ (say) to him,“ Why does it 7._______ (rain), Father? It isn’t very nice, is it?” “No, it isn’t very nice, but it’s 8.________ (use), Tom,” answered his father. “It rains to make fruit and vegetables 9._______ (grow) for us.” Tom thought about this for a minute, and then he 10.________ (answer), “Then, why does it rain on the road, Father?” 1.were walking, 2.to, 3.didn’t have, 4.with 5.a 6.said, 7.rain, 8.useful, 9.grow, 10.answered It was strange getting on a plane after being on the boat for five days. We’re now in Shanghai. We travelled on 1 (fast) train in the world. 2 goes 420 kilometres an hour! My feet felt really wobbly 3 I got off. Shanghai is really exciting and the shops are fantastic. We 4 (find) an Internet café and it was nice 5 (send) some emails home. Even the Internet cafés are different in China 6 those in England. They are 7 bigger and there are so many young people. My computer was all in Chinese so I couldn’t understand 8 . Just then a young girl 9 (sit) next to me realized and helped me put it 10 English. I wish I could understand Chinese and I think I should learn it back in England. 1. the fastest 2. It 3. when/ after 4. found 5. to send 6. from 7. much 8. anything 9. sitting 10. into THANK YOU SUCCESS * * 可编辑 模板来自于 / * * * 可编辑 可编辑 智慧堂英语教育中考英语之 ·语法填空 目录 1 分组PK 2 知敌百战 3 词语锦囊 4 武功秘笈 5 沙场练兵 6 QA 2015年,浙江省部分县市区中考英语取消单项填空题,推出语法填空题。把语法知识测试全部放在语篇中进行,旨在考查考生在语篇中综合运用语言知识的能力。 语法填空不但要求考


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