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1835 Schleiden and Schwann proposed the cell theory, stating that the nucleated cell is the unit of structure and function in plants and animals. 1857 Kollider described mitochondria in muscle cells. 1876 Abbe analyzed the showed how to optimize microscope design. 1879 Flemming described with great clarity chromosome behavior during mitosis in animal cells. 1881 Retzius described many animal tissues with a detail that has not been surpassed by any other light microscopist. In the next two decades, he, Cajal, and other histologists developed staining methods and laid the foundations of microscopic anatomy. 1882 Koch used aniline dyes to stain microorganisms and identified the bacteria that cause buberculosis and cholera. In the following tow decades, other bacteriologists, such as Klebs and Pasteur, identified the causative agents of many other diseases by examining stained preparations under the microscope. 1886 Zeiss made a series of lenses, to the design of Abbe, that enabled microscopists to resolve structures at the theoretical limits of visible light. 1898 Golgi first saw and described the Golgi apparatus by staining cells with silver nitrate. 1924 Lacassagne and collaborators developed the first autoradiographic method to localize radioactive polonium in biological specimens. 1930 Lebedeff designed and built the first interference microscope. In 1932, Zernicke invented the phase-contrast microscope. These two developments allowed unstained living cells to be seen in detail for the first time. 1941 Coons used antibodies coupled to fluorescent dyes to detect cellular antigens. 1952 Nomarski devised and patented the system of differential interference contrast for the light microscope . ? Table 4-2 Major Events in the Development of the Electron Microscope and Its Application to Cell Biology 1897 J.J.Thomson announced the existence of negatively charged particles, later termed electrons. 1924 de Broglie proposed that a moving electron has waveli


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