商务英语写作 lecture 12 advertisement.pptVIP

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Video Main Contents -The definition of advertisement -The types of advertisement -Words, sentences and figures of speech -Case and exercises Apartment For Rent Job-hunting PartⅠ Definition 美国广告营销协会:Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media. Basic nature: non-personal , paid, persuasive, contents, styles Part Ⅱ Words, sentences and figures of speech 1. 措辞:简洁,口语化(节省篇幅),模拟生造词 -Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2. 句法:句式简单,祈使句、主动句及省略句 -"Your future depends on your dreams." So go to sleep.    "现在的梦想决定着你的将来",所以还是再睡一会吧. 3. 修辞:双关、拟人、比喻、重复 -Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 4. 缩略语: PartⅢ Types Classified Advertisements (Ads): 1.sales,job-hunting, rent and so on. 2.brevity,uncompleted sentence,phrase Commercial Advertisements( 狭义)(hard selling, soft selling) 1.striking 2.title, body, rider(附文),illustration(插图) (一)Sample I. Job-hunting 一 、reading 阅读技巧 1 types: 辨“类别” 2 introduction:读“简介” 二、qualification/ requirement 资格要求表达 1 quality:个人素质 2 ability: 能力 3 language:语言能力 4.education/major 三、position and responsibility: 职位及职责 四、常用缩略语 K: 1000元 refs: references 推荐信 exc: excellent 很好的 rel: reliable 可靠的 exp: experience 经验 reps: Representative (销售)代表 exp'd: experienced 有经验的 req: required 需要 ext.: extension 延伸、扩展 sal: salary 工资 fr. ben: fringe benefits 额外福利 sctry: secretary 秘书 F/T: full time 全日制 sh: shorthand 人手不足 asst: assistant 助理 attn: attention 与…联系 bkgd: background 背景 mgr: manager 经理 clk: clerk (办公室)职员 m-f: Monday-Friday 周一到周五 ot: overtime 超时 pos: position 职位 div: division 分工、部门 pref: preference (有经验者)优先 prev: previous 有先前的(经验) P/T: part time?兼职 Exercise Ⅰ Job Description Recruiting Assistant needed for ABC corporate office. This candidate will primarily be assisting the head Recruiter with duties that include as follows.The in


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