商务英语写作 Lecture 14 Email-Fax.pptVIP

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Lecture 14 E-mail and Fax Main Contents E-mail --Advantages and Disadvantages -- Format -- Contents Fax --Format --Contents Part Ⅰ E-mail Advantage --efficient way sending message (speed) -- Disadvantage --inconvenience of controlling the format: long lines/ small characters for the recipients; --uncomfortable to read 二、Format of E-mail 发件人: itrade_05@126.com 收件人:itrade_05@126.com 主题:测试答案 抄送人: 日 期:2007-10-22 20:17:21 附 件: 答案 D.doc(69.27K) From:itrade_05@126.com To:itrade_05@126.com Subject: Answer of the Test CC: (carbon copy) Date: Attachment: 三、Contents of E-mail To/ From: more persons of addresses (--,--) Subject: simple and clear --句首的单词和专有名词的首字母大写即可 --正规的格式可将除了少于5个字母的介词、连接词或冠词之外的每一个单词的首字母大写如 e.g.: 1.News about the meeting Tomorrow’s meeting canceled 2.New E-mail Address Notification 3.URGENT:Submit your report today! 4.FYI(For Your Information,供参考) Body salutation: not use “Dear Mr. John” , use “Hi/ Hello or name,but to superiors and eldership add title before the family name e.g.: Tommy,Mr. Smith. contents: simple and comfortable to read; 3-4 sentences of one paragraph (long letter for attachment) Complimentary close: “Thanks”, “Best”, “Cheers”. Needless to use “Sincerely yours”, “Best regards” Draw, sign, digital document ,scanned images, sounds (OE) :- )= ? smiley. “I’m smiling at this” :- (= ? “I’m sad about this” Abbreviation: --缩略词和小符号视具体情况,不宜滥用。 --一定要认真检查有无拼写、语法和标点符号的误 Abbreviation d u wnt 2 go out 2nite:Do you want to go out tonight? lol:Laughing out loud oic:Oh, I see. mte:My thoughts exactly. brb:I’ll be right back. c u 2morrow:See you tomorrow. bbl :be back later IAC : in any case ? 无论何时/何事 btw:By the way imho:In my humble opinion asap:As soon as possible. AAMOF ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?事实上 AFAIK ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 就我所知 ASAP ? ?? ? ? ?? ?? 尽快 CUL ? ?? ? ?? ?? 再见 F2F/FTF ? ?? ?? ?? ?面对面 FAQ ? ?? ?? ? ?? 常问问题 FWIW ? ?? ?


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