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“超级资源+学科” 看看能搜出什么!! PAGE 当你的经济还撑不起你的梦想时,那你就应该踏实的去做! 超级资源(共48套154页)人教新目标版八年级英语下册(全册)精品教案汇总 What’s the matter 课题 Unit 1 What’s the matter? Section A 1a – 2d 课型 新授课 教学目标 1. 语言知识和能力目标: 1) 能够正确使用下列词汇,如:matter, back, throat, sore, stomachache, foot, neck, stomach, fever, cough, X-ray, hurt 等。 能够正确使用下列常用表达,如:have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down, take one’s temperature, have a fever, go to a doctor, anyone, on vacation等 2) 能够简单谈论健康问题与事故,能够正确使用询问健康的句型结构, 3) 能够正确使用情态动词should提出恰当的建议 2. 情感态度价值观目标:通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人身体健康的品质。 重点 1) 能够正确使用询问健康的句型结构,如:A: What’s the matter with Ben? B: He hurt himself. He has a very sore throat. 2) 能够认读词汇sore, have 难点 have表达患病的几种方式; should need提出的建议 教学用具 录音机,多媒体 教学环节 说 明 二次备课 复习 复习身体部位的单词 新课导入 课 程 讲 授 Step 1 Leading in 1.T: How many parts of the body can you name ? What’s this ?(head , mouth etc.) Today we’ll learn some parts of the body . 2.This is my head .Oh ,I have a headache . Step 2 Work on Section A 1a 读图,了解对话情景 —— 地点和谈论的话题 First, look at me(用手指头、鼻子、耳朵、眼睛、手、脚)and ask “What’s this?” and help Ss to answer: head / nose / ear / eye / hand / foot. Then look at the picture and read answer|: What are they? (a - m) (hand等单词逐一显示.) OK. Answer my questions. (点击图片a) What is this? Ss: It’s a hand. 理解读出身体部位的单词 Please open your books and turn to page 1. Look at 1a. Read the words. Match the activities with the pictures in the picture. Fill in the letters a to m in their right places. Now, let’s check. 核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价(电子书可随机做出评价)并板书学生生疏的人体部位词汇,教授这些新词语。 Step 3 Presentation: 1. In our daily life, we often meet some problems(问题). What’s her problem? 2. What’s the matter? I have a cold. The first way of having a problem. “患病”的三种表达方式一: 1. I have a +疾病. I have a headache. The second way of having a problem. “患病“的三种表达方式之二: 2. I have a +部位+ache. What’s the matter? The third way of having a problem. “患病”的三种表达方式之三: 3. I have a sore + 部位. Step 4 Finish 1b 引导观察主题图中的人物,利用问题与学生进行初步交流,为听力做好铺垫 · How many people can you see in the


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