
室内设计论文 某高档小区内高层住宅的套二双厅户型设计.doc

室内设计论文 某高档小区内高层住宅的套二双厅户型设计.doc

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PAGE 1 摘 要 人们生活水平的不断提高,大多数人对自己的居住环境感到不适,都希望在一个布置合理、舒适优美的室内环境中生活。但是,我们要考虑到人们物质和精神生活方面的需要,第一步就要先对自己想要的家做出一个预期的效果和估算,那就是绘制一个室内家装设计图。信息化时代的到来让我们的图变的更加完美,那就是通过计算机进行室内家装设计。 为了对这套户型有一个更清晰地认识,在此将室内的平面效果图制作出来,整体建筑面积为116.74m2,客厅面积为23.4m2,室内层高为2.75m。 本套方案位于某高档小区内高层住宅的套二双厅户型,由入户门进入,右手边是卫生间,左侧是客厅并带有观景阳台,由客厅向右望去则是餐厅与厨房,从走廊继续向内便是两间卧室。 在室内设计中3dsMax9软件处于主导地位,前期我照着纸上的户型平面图的数据在AutoCAD2009绘制出户型平面图,并作出一套可实施的设计方案。制作好AutoCAD布局图后,将图导入3dsMax9中,设计各空间的结构、功能的划分问题的思考都将在设计思路中体现,以及家具与装饰物的摆设。环境与室内装饰风格的设计都将体现在设计效果上。并且在3sMax9中建立对象模型,设计材质,放置灯光和摄影机,都可以按照实际照明空间进行布置,然后进行光学计算,最后渲染输出,最后用Photoshop软件对输出的图像进行后期处理。 关键词:3dsMax 室内设计 灯光 Abstract The continuous improvement of living standards, most people living on their own feel unwell, and hope in a reasonable layout, comfortable and beautiful living room environment. However, we must take into account the material and spiritual life of the peoples needs, the first step should be to the home you want to make a desired effect and estimates that an indoor decoration design drawing. Era of information to make our plans become more perfect, that is, interior decoration design by computer. To this size to have a more clear understanding of the effect of this will be the interior surface made from those, the overall construction area of 116.74m2, living room area of 23.4m2, indoor floors is 2.75m. This set of programs within the district located in a high-end set of two pairs of high-rise residential hall units, by the entrance doors into the right hand side is the bathroom, on the left is the living room with a balcony, looked up from the living room to the right is the dining room and kitchen , is inward from the corridor to two bedrooms. 3dsMax9 in interior design software in a dominant position, pre-plan our units according to the data on paper drawn in AutoCAD2009 units plan, and make a design can be implemented. Making good AutoCAD layout, it will figure into 3dsMax9, the design of the space structure and function of the division of Problems are re


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