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一、利用R进行因子分析 # note that (factor loadings) %*% (factor loadings) is # the same for no rotation and varimax rotation res2$loadings %*% t(res2$loadings) res3$loadings %*% t(res3$loadings) res5$loadings %*% t(res5$loadings) # for the oblique rotation promax, the factors are no # longer uncorrelated, and hence the decomposition # Sigma = A * A + Eps does no longer hold 一、利用R进行因子分析 ######################### # Compute factor scores # ######################### # thompsons scores res2.t - factanal(scor, factors=2, rotation=none, scores=regression) # bartletts scores res2.b - factanal(scor, factors=2, rotation=none, scores=Bartlett) cbind(res2.t$scores, res2.b$scores) 一、利用R进行因子分析 # plot plot(res2.b$scores,pch=) text(res2.b$scores, labels=c(1:88)) points(res2.t$scores,pch=) text(res2.t$scores, labels=c(1:88), col=red) # interpret plot apply(scor, 1, mean) # first factor is some kind of overall performance scor[66,] scor[81,] # second factor is high when student is better at # closed book exams than at open book exams 二、因子分析在市场研究中的应用 表7.5是研究消费者对购买牙膏偏好的调查数据 通过市场的拦截访问,用7级量表询问受访者对以下陈述的认同程度(1表示非常不同意,7表示非常同意): V1:购买预防蛀牙的牙膏是重要的; V2:我喜欢使牙齿亮泽的牙膏; V3:牙膏应当保护牙龈; V4:我喜欢使口气清新的牙膏; V5:预防坏牙不是牙膏提供的一项重要利益; V6:购买牙膏时最重要的考虑是富有魅力的牙齿。 二、因子分析在市场研究中的应用 表7.5 牙膏属性评分得分表 二、因子分析在市场研究中的应用 二、因子分析在市场研究中的应用 # Application with factor analysis,header=T) scor=as.matrix( # compute correlation matrix: cor - cor(scor) cor # remove diagonal: diag.1 - diag(rep(1,6)) diag.1 cor.min - cor - diag.1 cor.min # compute max_{i!=j} |r_{ij}| for each column h2 - apply(abs(cor.min), 2, max) h2 二、因子分析在市场研究中的应用 # compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of reduced correlation matrix cor.reduced - cor.min + diag(h2) eig - eigen(cor.reduced) eig print(round(eig$values/sum(eig$values) * 100, digits = 2)) round(cumsum(eig$values)/sum(eig$values) * 100, digits = 2) # lets consider the model with k=2 pf.2 - eig$vectors[,1:2] %*% diag(eig$values[1:2]^{


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