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PAGE PAGE 2/ 21SC4312-408-02JT轴 系 铸 锻 件 PAGE PAGE 2/ 21 SC4312-408-02JT 轴 系 铸 锻 件 订 货 技 术 条件 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF SHAFTING CASTINGS AND FORGINGS ORDER 面积: 面积:0.0625 m2 1112222222 PAGE 2 PAGE 2 NUMPAGES 2711000.06250.0625m2 CONTENTS 1. Steel forgings 1.1 General 1.2 Manufacture 1.3 Chemical composition 1.4 Heat treatment 1.5 Test material 1.6 Mechanical tests 1.7 Visual and non-destructive examination 1.8 Quality 1.9 Identification 1.10 Certification 1.11 Attached drawing 2. Copper casting 2.1 General 2.2 Manufacture 2.3 Chemical composition 2.4 Heat treatment 2.5 Test material 2.6 Mechanical tests 2.7 Inspection and non-destructive examination 2.8 Identification 2.9 Certification 2.10 Attached drawing 1. Steel forgings 1.1 General 1.1.1 The intermediate and propeller shafts to be made from high-quality carbon steel with tensile strength level of 560 N/mm2. One piece of each shaft per ship, and one spare propeller shaft to be supplied per two ships by S/Y. The reaming bolts are to be made from alloy steels with tensile strength level of 880 N/mm2. Twenty-four pieces of forging per ship. The piston and body of hydraulic nut to be made from high-quality carbon steel with tensile strength level of 600 N/mm2. One piece of per ship. The stern tube seat and bearing seat to be made from high-quality carbon steel with tensile strength level of 400 N/mm2. One piece of per ship. 1.2 Manufacture 1.2.1 Forgings are to be made at works, which have been approved by BV. The steel is to be manufactured by the electric or one of the basic oxygen processes. 1.2.2 For components forged directly from ingots or from forged blooms or billets and in which the fibre deformation is mainly longitudinal the reduction ratio is not to be less than 3:1. 1.2.3 Where the length of any section of a shaft forging is less than its diameter, the reduction ratio is to be not less than half that given in 1.2.2. 1.3 Chemical composition 1.3.1 All forgings are to


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