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STD4540 Date Issue Info Class Page 2019-06-24 2 Internal 1(17) Approved by Head of Corporate Standards NMD Niklas Hammarström YDRC Viktoria Alstig Area specialist Standardisation engineer (contact person) NMDC Petter Kylefors YDRC Joakim Björk DMQC Peter Markovic Distribution: Scania, Supplier Specification and determination of technical cleanliness in media carrying systems Contents Changes from previous issue 2 1 Scope2 2 Terms and definitions 3 3 General requirement 5 4 Determination of residual particle quantity5 4.1 Documentation and archiving 6 4.2 Testing equipment7 5 Cleanliness requirement and drawing entry 8 5.1 Morphologic limit values 8 5.2 Gravimetric limit values 9 5.3 Particle types 9 5.4 Escalation level 10 5.5 Drawing entry 10 6 Outlier rule 12 7 Requirements for packaging/logistics 13 8 Prototypes13 9 Requirements for assembly13 10 Referenced documents 14 10.1Normative references 14 10.2 Informative references 14 Annex A (informative) Change history 15 Annex B (informative) Examples of application of outlier rule 16 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ All rights reserved according to ISO 16016. The reproduction, distribution and utilisation of this document and the communication of its contents to others without express authorisation is prohibited. Offenders wi


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