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中山大学旅游学院遊游管理专业 本科生课程教学大纲 Course Profile for Undergraduates Majoring in Tourism Management 最近更新:2015 年 3 月 /Revision: March.2015 课程编号 Course Code课程名称 Course Name 微观经济7 Macroeconomics 课程类别 Course Type 必修 Required Course 学分 Credits 2 总学时 Total Contact Hours 36 开课学期 Semester 第2学期 2nd 授课教师 Lecturer 李军 Dr. J. LI 教V助理 Teaching Assistant / 上课时间 Class Time 周二 8-9 B303 周三 2-3 B209 上课地点 location D407 一、课程目的与教学基本要求 I Course Description 本课程旨在讲述宏观经济学关于宏观经济长期发展规律和原理,短期经济波动规律和 宏观经济政策的解释性逻辑框架,培养学牛宏观经济的思维方式,使得他们能够像经济学 家那样去思考现实中的宏观经济发展问题和宏观经济政策。学生通过学习,一方面需要把 握宏观经济理论的框架体系,包括长期经济增长和短期经济波动原理,货币金融经济学基 木原理,宏观经济调整及其政策;另一方面,需要掌握宏观经济学的一般思维和分析方法, 学会如何用所学到的理论分析工具,解释和分析现实中的国家和国际的宏观经济问题。 The course aims to explain the economic framework about the theory of long-run economic growth, of short-run economic fluctuation; to train students to think like a Macroeconomist when facing to interpret the all kinds of macroeconomic phenomena. On the one hand, students should be taught the basic framework of macroeconomics, including the principles of those that how an economy can maintain a rapid growth, how to stabilize the economy by using macroeconomic policies and the basic theory of monetary economics. On the other hand, the most important thing is to teach students how to explain and forecast our China^s economic growth and social development by using those macroeconomic basic principles. 二、课程内容 II Course Content 国民收入概念及测算/Measuring a Nation^ Income (1 hour) 、什么是宏观经济学? What is Macroeconomics? 、国内生产总值(GDP)的概念及其测量; The measurement of gross domestic product (GDP); 、GDP的构成部分; The components of GDP; 、实际GDP和名义GDP; Real versus nominal GDP; 、GDP和经济福利。 GDP and economic well-being. 2.测量生活成本/Measuring the Cost of Living (2 hours) 、消费价格指数(CPI):概念及其核算; Consumer price index (CPI): Concepts and its calculation; 、GDP平减指数(Deflator)与CPI的比较; GDP deflator versus CPI; 、通货膨胀的矫正:实际GDP、实际利率和指数化。 Correcting the economic variables for the effects of inflation: real GDP, real interest rate and indexation. 生产和增长/Producti


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