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The main supporting structure in an arch bridge is one or more curved elements. 拱桥的主要支撑结构是一个或多个弧形构件。 The dead and live forces that act on the arch bridge are transmitted along the curved line of the arch into abutments or supporting structures at either end. 拱桥所承担的恒载和活载通过弧形构件传递到桥墩或两端的支撑构件上。 世界第一钢拱桥 泰山科技学院 桁架拱桥-悉尼港桥 桁架拱桥-三门上叶桥 泰山科技学院 桁式组合拱桥-恩施混水河桥 泰山科技学院 肋拱桥 -永定河桥 泰山科技学院 无锡民主桥 泰山科技学院 箱形拱桥-宜宾岷江大桥 箱形拱桥-巫山龙门桥 泰山科技学院 Zhaozhou Bridge 1.1 混凝土结构一般概念和特点 Cantilever bridges(悬臂桥) ◆To solve the problem of increasing the span distance, other alternatives to beam and arch bridges included suspension and cantilever bridges. 为了解决持续增加的跨径问题,除了梁桥和拱桥外,可以选择的有悬臂桥和悬索桥。 Among the largest cantilever bridges in the United States is the Commodore Barry Bridge. 在美国跨度最大的悬臂桥是Commodore John Barry桥 Commodore Barry Bridge ◆A cantilever bridge is a bridge built using cantilevers, a cantilever is a structure or beam that is unsupported at one end but supported at the other, like diving boards. 悬臂桥是采用了悬臂结构的桥型,悬臂是一端支撑而另一端没有支撑的结构,就像跳水板。 When anchored firmly, a cantilever is a very strong structure. 如果锚固牢固悬臂是强度很高的一种结构。 It consists of three parts: the outer beams, the cantilever, and the central beam. 它由三部分组成:边梁、悬臂和中梁。 This configuration made longer spans possible and wider clearance beneath. 这种构造可以获得更长的跨径和更宽的净空。 ◆ For small footbridges, the cantilevers may be simple beams; however, large cantilever bridges designed to handle road or rail traffic use trusses built from structural steel, or box girders built from prestressed concrete. 对于小型人行桥,悬臂是一种简单的梁型。然而,设计用于公路或铁路交通的大型悬臂桥往往采用钢桁架结构或者是预应力混凝土箱型结构。 The cantilever bridge was a popular type of bridge in the first half of the twentieth century, but at present, some commentators believe that the cable-stayed bridge will replace it for comparable spanning distances. 在20世纪前半期,悬臂梁桥是一种非常普遍的桥梁形式。但目前,一些评论家认为:斜拉桥将由于有更大的跨越能力而取代悬臂桥。 钢斜拉桥东营黄河桥 JPC JPC ZSTU JPC JPC ZSTU L/O/G/O ZSTU Unit6(2) Bridge Engineering 桥梁工程 Learning Guidance Master


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