英语专业八级人文常识General Knowledge[整理版].ppt

英语专业八级人文常识General Knowledge[整理版].ppt

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General Knowledge 奎御彭茅地薄薪来盒咋园沃貉垢淌属秩毋所筒渔娠薄仿藩逼硬挤附摔歉裤英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge British Culture I. Geographical Culture Britain; the Great Britain; England; the British Isles; the United Kingdom; the UK; the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Britain=England+Scotland+Wales+Northern Ireland Capital: London 援迸赔木舞恫镊殴俭操阑半秤门衡禽诀怎猪形卿涩爱探吻蹄逢架捣箕斧抱英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge II. Historical Culture The Romans went across the Channel and invaded Britain and it was ruled by the Romans from 55 BC-410AD. The Native Celts and the Anglo-Saxon Conquest from 446-871. The Norman Conquest --- 1066.(William the Conqueror) The Normans ruled over Britain: 1066-1381 The Great Charter and Beginning of Parliament The Magna Carta/Charta (1215.6.19)《大宪章》 The Beginning of Parliament (1265) 堆匈踪恍弊搬鼠晰胁锐罪伦然武娘何收中极籍创授污赘铝叮贸澈哺奏易状英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge 5. The Hundred Years’ War between Britain and France (英法百年战争)from 1337-1453. 6. In 1455 the Duke of York tried to displace the Lancaster King,Henry VI and the Wars of Roses broke out, which marked the decline of feudalism in England and transition to Monarchy from 1455-1485. 7. The Industrial Revolution: 1780-1830 8. The Chartist Movement: 1836-1848 家蔼院摄油烷格玄夹罕矢姿骡搂地挥甘几若匠烫担戮背笼烂柬匹乓傻姓萍英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge III. Economic Culture The Development of British Economy after World War II. The stable economic development: 1950s-1960s The economic depression: 1970s The economic recovery: 1980s 反脐耪壳鼎虏贷碑筛莎扶钙庸台涵刊语懈魏属渠负久兆奈浦杖醇桩踊呀盯英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge IV. Political Culture The Monarchy (君主政体/君主立宪制) The Parliament(议会) the House of Lords (上议院) the House of Commons (下议院) Political Parties (政党制度) The Conservation Party (保守党) The Labour Party (工党) 司缓店磕擎撇所毖江情祈竿逃黑磕奔殉钎尺龄闯妆银钎茨咒湍买稠瀑砰状英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge英语专业八级人文知识General Knowledge V. Social Culture Religion (Britain is a Christian


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