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关于“Head的地道短语 I. I always keep my head. 不慌不忙,头脑清醒 Meaning: I never lose control of my emotions. 2. It never entered my head. 从未有过这个念头 Meaning: I never even thought about it. 3. I brought matters to a head. 引入决定性阶段 Meaning: I made sure something had to be decided. 4. My head is in the clouds. 脑子里没什么想法 Meaning: I’m not a practically minded person. 5. I can’t make head nor tail of this. 搞不清头绪,无法理解 Meaning: I don’t understand it at all. 6. I’m in way over my head. 投入太多,已无法控制 Meaning: I’m involved so far that it’s out of my control. 7. I could do it standing on my head. 非常简单,十分容易 Meaning: I find it really easy. 8. The fame has completely gone to my head. 情绪失控,情绪上脑 Meaning: I’ve let my feelings get out of control. 9. He’s off his head. 疯了或醉了 Meaning: He’s gone mad or he is completely drunk (depending on the context) 10. She likes to keep her head down. 低调行事,避免引起注意 Meaning: She avoids attracting attention. 11. They’re still scratching their heads over the results. 挠头、难以理解 Meaning: They’re finding it hard to understand the results. 12. That joke just went over my head. 无法理解 Meaning: I didn’t understand the joke.


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