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Book 2 Unit 1 I laughed till I cried! Period 1 一. Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims ⑴Help students master thosewords,such as :ski, mountain, beach, sail, skate, vacation, wonderful, parent and so on. ⑵Help students master the phrases and sentenses of asking and answering the questions of the past experiences. Such as: a. useful expressions about some activities: visit the zoo, go swimming / skating / skiing / boating / sailing / fishing, pick apples, climb mountains, play volleyball on the beach, etc. b. ask for and give information on past experiences: How was your vacation? It was wonderful / great / not bad. We had great fun. Where did your family go? / Where did you go? I went to …. / We went to …. What did you do there? 2. Ability foals ⑴ The students can understand the dialogue ⑵ The students can communicate with other people. 3. Moral goals The students learn to share their experiences each other. 二. Teaching important and difficult points ⑴ Teaching important points The students can understand and talk about their experiences during the holiday ⑵ Teaching difficult points Talk about past activities on family trips Use the simple past tense. 四、Teaching procedures Step One Lead-in 1. The teacher greets each student: Good morning. Nice to see you again. Welcome back to school. What did you do during your winter vacation? Did your family go somewhere? Did you enjoy yourselves? (设计意图:这是学生寒假回来的第一节英语课,和学生互相问候了之后,顺便聊到寒假里的活动是再自然不过的事了。这里的开门见山让学生很快进入了本节课的话题。) 2. Encourage the Ss to give answers. And collect different answers on the blackboard. While collecting, teach new words such as ski, mountain, sail, skate, beach, etc. (设计意图:教师可以一边和学生进行交流,一边就把学生的回答写在黑板上,不仅可以复习巩固一些旧的表达方式,同时可以呈现新的单词和词组,可谓一举两得。) 3. Activity 1: Tick the activities you did before. After the students has finished it, ask some individuals to tell the whole what they once did by using: I visited the zoo. / I went swimming. / I climbed mountains. (设计意图:在这一活动中,教师不应仅仅局限


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