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初中英语课堂教学实录及点评 听说课课堂教学实录 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? Section B (1— 3) 执教人单位:沂南县铜井中学 执教人:祖庆涛 [教学目标 ] 知识目标: 1.学习并掌握 What, Why 引导的特殊疑问句, 2.用 Because句型和形容词 “ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy 表示原因,性质、品质。” 能力目标: Describe animals; Express preferences 情感目标:了解自然,树立自觉保护动物的意识,谈论喜好,展示个性。 [重点难点 ] 重点: 1. Words: ugly, clever, friendly, beautiful, shy, other 2. Target Language: What animals do you like? What other animals do you like? Because they ’re …and… 难点: How to describe animal and express preferences. [教学过程 ] I. Warm up 1. Revision (复习 Section A 中的句型 ) Let ’s chant. What animal do you like? What animal do you like? Do you like tigers? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like pandas? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like pandas? No, I don ’t. No, I don ’t. 点评: Chant 的应用,既复习回顾了 Section A 中的内容, 又提高了学生学习的积极性,活跃了课堂 气氛。 2. Task: A free talk about your favorite animal and the reasons 参考句型: A: What ’s your favorite animal? B: My favorite animal is … A: Why? B: Because it ’s … 点评:进一步突出了本单元的“ Language Goals: Describe animals; Express preferences”,以对话活 动为载体,有针对性的复习回顾了以前所学的知识,同时又为本课的学习目标(让学生使用更加丰富的语 言来描述动物,表达自己的喜好)做了铺垫。 II. Pre-task (预备任务 ) 1. Research (新知探究): 1) Show the new words “ugly, clever, friendly ,beautiful, shy, other ”on the screen to the SS. 2) Ask a student to read, the other SS follow him / her to read. C. Read, correct the pronunciations and remember them. D. Have a dictation. 点评:以上活动都是在课前单词预习的基础上进行。 2. Task1: Learn more describe words. 2) Ask some groups to show. 参考词汇: ugly, friendly, small, shy, clever, beautiful , cute, scary … 参考句型: A: Let ’s see …. B: Why? A: Because …


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