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Lesson 11On getting off to sleepBy J.B. PriestleyContradiction, contrarinessContradiction:u. 矛盾,对立 c.对立的事物--I found no contradiction between his publicly expressed ideas and his private actions.--His private actions are in contradiction to/with his publicly expressed ideas.--A round square is a contradiction in terms用词矛盾.Contrariness (u.) (contrary) 相反,对立面,--Hot and cold are contrariness.Saving graceA saving grace is a good quality or feature in a person or thing that prevents them from being completely bad or worthless. 可取之处例: Agings one saving grace is you worry less about what people think. 年迈的一个可取之处是你不那么担心他人的想法了。Vexation n. 苦恼;恼怒;令人烦恼的事 Vexation is a feeling of being annoyed, puzzled, and frustrated. 恼火例: He kicked the broken machine in vexation. 他懊恼得踢了这台坏机器一脚。Dim 微暗的; 朦胧的 模糊的, 看不清楚Dim: not bright, not clearly to be seen不亮的dim light of a candle 微弱的烛光 a dim room 光线不好的房间 the dim outline of a building 房屋的模糊轮廓 Dark:with no or very little light黑暗的It’s getting too dark to take ceed If you proceed to do something, you do it, often after doing something else first. (做完某事之后) 接着 (做另一事)例: He proceeded to tell me of my birth. 他接着给我讲了我的出生。If you proceed with a course of action, you continue with it. 继续进行 (某行动)例: The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed. 这群人继续进行他们知道会导致流血事件的一次游行。(某事件或活动带来的) 收入例: The proceeds of the concert went to charity. 音乐会的收入给了慈善机构。Make for导致;有助于;走向 He rose from his seat and made for the door. 他起身向门口走去。A happy parent makes for a happy child. 幸福的家长造就幸福的孩子。Five ports of knowledgeFive senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch, here representing all the senses.Plunge:使投入, 使插入 ,使陷入plunge a country into war 使一个国家陷入战争 plunge a room into darkness plunge sb. into deep sorrow. no difficulty in plunging their earthly parts into oblivionNo difficulty in forgetting their functions in the worldNo difficulty in falling sleepbe given to 癖好的;喜爱的;习惯的She is a young girl given to tears. 她是一个爱哭的女孩。 Hes given to taking long walks. 他非常喜欢长途散步。 Li


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