How to open a savings account中职英语基础模块 第3册Unit 2高教版2.ppt

How to open a savings account中职英语基础模块 第3册Unit 2高教版2.ppt

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中等职业教育国家规划教材英语基础模块 第三册 Unit2 How to open a savings account ? Period1 listenging speaking 宁波市职教中心学校 张燕 Analysis of the Ss learning abilities Analysis of the teaching material Teaching objectives Teaching procedures Teaching reflection U2 Affection objectives Identify information concerning bank services. Use English in the real situation. Ability objectives Master the words and expressions about bank services. Knowledge objectives Cooperation; self-confidence Listening 14 Show time 17 Summary 4 Evaluation 1 Warm- up 6 Brainstorming Dialogue making Winning group announcing Matching Video watching Paper sticking Memory quiz E-poster making Homework 1 1 What are in my wallet 1 1 1 brainstorming 1 Paper sticking Video watching Matching 1 exchanging money opening an account at a bank drawing money from an ATM cashing a check 1 Video watching 1 Video watching 1 Steps of the bank services Paper sticking 1 A: What can I do for you? B: I want to …... A: You should …… B: Thank you! Welcome to industry and commercial bank of China! Welcome No.302 to counter No.4 open fill in draw complet e sign get enter deposit insert open a savings account fill in the form draw some money from the ATM complete the applicatio n form sign your name get the credit card enter the pin deposit at least 10 yuan insert the card 2 Summary What can I do for you? How can I help you? Can you give me a hand? Would you please show me how to…? Can you show me how to…? How do you…? You should… Please… 1 Suggested website: /s?wd=?? ?ê?????%F 7rsv_bp=0rsv_spt=3oq=?? ?êrsp=4f=3inputT=9126 1


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