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2010 年同等学力申硕全国统考英语考前辅导 写作专项班讲义 北京市海淀区中关村南大街 2 号数码大厦 A 座 1211 室 咨询电话:010学习网址: MSN 邮箱 QQ:371808070 环球卓越 精致服务 卓越品质 写作专项班讲义 一、命题+解题+阅卷 命题五大规律 1 _____________ 2 _____________ 3 _____________ 4 _____________ 5. _____________ 以真题为证: 表格 1: 大纲要求 高分作文 不合格作文(7 分以下) 表格 2:阅卷影响阅卷打分的因素: ______ ____ ____ ________ 写作 1 2 3 4 1 一切从学员出发,一切为学员着想! 北京市海淀区中关村南大街 2 号数码大厦 A 座 1211 室(中国人民大学东南角) 010环球卓越 精致服务 卓越品质 二、如何解题 第一步:决战胜于开头 各种档次的作文开头 题目:面试的重要性以及如何准备 It is widely accepted that nowadays job intervies are playing a very important role in finding a decent job. If you can leave a deep impression on the interviewer, you are very like to to get the job, Here are some suggestions that you should follow in order to succeed in a job interview. When you look for a job, it is often necessary to have a job interview. This will introduce yourself to the company in which you want a job. And through the job intervies the employer can decide if you will be employed. So it is often thought important for anyone who tries to get a job. A good job is important for us to obtain a job. The company leader will learn about your ability by the Job Interview. I’m a three-grade iniversity students. After one year I will enter the society and look for a job. On the current society, competitions are very strong all over the world. Therefore, the job interview has been the one of most important points during your searching job. Now, job interview is first part in having a job. So, it’s very important. But how to succeed in a job interview? Causes are too lot. At first your view mut be good. Other may not against you. The second, your talk and action the same as view. Your ability technology is the very important condition by the company. You don’t new in the job interview, that can lost your job interview change. 开头(第一段)常常牵涉的功能:1、提出现象、观点、问题,以便切入话题; 旁人的观点、看法 2、直接点题 我的观点、 (可能要求解释原因) Key words: 现象_____________________________________________________________________________ 观点______


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