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Unit1 Asia Reading Two cities in China 大家好 An interview A reporter is interviewing Deng Chao about the trip in Beijing. Example: R: Hi, Deng Chao, hows your trip in Beijing? D: Good./Wonderful./ … R: Which place do you like best during your trip? Why? D: I like…best. Because it is…/ I can see/do… R: If you have more time, what will you do in Beijing? D: ... R: It sounds ... Have fun! D: Thank you. 大家好 (1)_____ In southern China on the two sides of (2)_________________ What to see (3)__________ which stand in different shapes; the Reed Flute Cave, an (4)_____________ cave with (5)________ in unusual shapes, which is also called the(6)________________________ What to (7)___ take a (8)________ along the Lijiang River; (9)_____ a bicycle and ride around the (10)___________ the Lijiang River mountains rocks underground boat trip countryside Guilin hire “Art Palace of Nature” Read and Complete On P9 Location do 大家好 1. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 明朝和清朝的皇帝曾住在那儿。 used to do sth. 表示“过去常常做某事, 而现在不做了”。 e.g. 我父亲以前睡觉很晚。 My father used to sleep very late. 大家好 【辨析】 used to do sth 和 be/get used to sth./doing sth. 翻译 过去他经常晚起,现在他习惯早起了。 He used to get up late, but now he is/gets used to getting up early. 大家好 2.It was turned into a museum in 1925. turn sth. into sth 把 … 变成 … 这栋楼房在 1995 年变成了一个医院。 This building___________________ a hospital in 1995. was turned into 大家好 3. With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside,it is well worth a visit. be(well)worth sth 非常值得 … 大家好 2) worth 可用作形容词,意为“值得” worth 后可接名词,意为“值得做某 事” 。 e.g. The museum is certainly worth a visit . 博物馆当然值得参观。 worth 后还可接 v -ing 形式, sth. be worth doing 意为“某事值得做” 。 e.g. The book is worth reading . 这本书值得一读。 大家好 worth 后可接“钱”或数字,意为“ …… 值 ( 多少 ) 钱” 。 e.g. The car is worth more than $7,000 . 这辆车价格的多于七千美元。 大家好 _____ ____ __________of modern medicine,more and more diseases can be cured. 随着现代医学的发展,越来越多的疾病能够被治 愈。 With the development 大家好 4.Many tourist


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