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重点句子 Saturday is named after the planet Saturn.周六是以土星来命名的。be named after...以......命名 Unit3课文翻译 1 Complete the news with already, just and yet.部分翻译 I\\\\ve just made arrodel spaceship. 我刚刚做了一个宇宙飞船模型。 Has it arrived yet? 它已经到达了吗? Astronauts have already been to the moon. 宇航员已经去过月球了。 We have not found life on any other planets yet. 我们还没有在任何其他行星上发现生命。 Spaceship on Mars! 宇宙飞船在火星上! Astronauts have (1) been to the moon but they have not been to any other planets. However,a spaceship has (2) arrived on Mars and it has (3) sent back photos of the red planet. Is there life on Mars? We do not know (4). 宇航员(1)已经去过月球了,但他们还没有去过任何其他行星。然而,一艘宇宙飞船(2)已经/刚刚到达火星,而且它(3)已经/刚刚发回了这颗红色行星的照片。在火星上有生命吗?我们(4)还不知道。 2 Look at these sentences.部分翻译 ·The spaceship has gone fo Mars. 宇宙飞船去了火星。 It has gone there,but it has not come back yet. 它已经去了那里,但它还没有回来。 ·Astronauts have been to the moon. 宇航员已经去过月球了。 They went there and then they came back. 他们去了那里,然后他们回来了。 Now choose the correct answer. 现在选择正确答案。 1 Astronauts have been/gone to the moon and returned. 宇航员去过/去了月球并返回。 2 The spaceship has been/gone into space. It will travel for ten days. 宇宙飞船去过/进入了太空。它将运行10天。 3 The astronaut has been/gone to the space station. He will come back tomorrow. 这个宇航员去过/去了太空站。他明天会返回。 4 The spaceship has been/gone to the space station. It brought back two astronauts. 字宙飞船去过/去了太空站。它带回了两名宇航员。 3 Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box.部分翻译 have/has been 去过 have/has gone 去了 1 A spaceship_____to Mars.It is coming back to the earth next year. 一艘宇宙飞船去了火星。它将在明年返回地球。 2 Lots of astronauts_____to the space station. They found it very interesting. 很多宇航员去过太空站。他们发现它很有趣。 3 Some astronauts_____to the moon twice. 一些宇航员去过月球两次。 4 Two British astronauts_____tothe space station.They will come back in January. 两位英国宇航员去了太空站。他们将在一月份返回。 4 Complete the conversation with the correct...部分翻译 Nicky:I\\\\ve just (1) (watch)a great TV programme about space.Did you know that scientists have (2) (discover) water on Mars? 尼基:我刚刚(1) (看)一个关于太空的极好的电视节


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